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NJPW Sakura Genesis Results (4/1) Okada/Sabre, Ospreay/Scurll, Golden Lovers/Team Cody & More…

SEVENTH MATCH: IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Champion Will Ospreay vs. Marty Scurll

Test of Strength to start. Neither gets an advantage from a chain exchange.  More chain wrestling sees Ospreay get a wristlock. Scurll flips out for his own wristlock. Ospreay flips out and hits a snapmare, but Scurll gets a wristlock. Ospreay reverses. Scrull tries a double wrist hold but Ospreay bridges. The chain wrestling gets faster and still neither man gets an advantage.

Scurll locks in a side headlock. Scurll hits a shoulder block. Scurll tries for a Chickenwing but Ospreay rolls out. Scurll sidesteps Osscutter and ducks a headkick.

Scurll chops away on Ospreay. Ospreay hits a hurricanrana. Ospreay hits a Dropkick. Scurll rolls out of the ring. Scurll counters the handspring with a finger snap, but Ospreay fights out. Ospreay hits a Space Flying Tiger Drop.

The brawl around ringside. Ospreay rolls Scurll into the ring. Scurll grabs Ospreay by the nose and hits a Neackbreaker. Scurll hits an Apron Run Thrust Kick.

Scurll chops away on Ospreay. Scurll sends Ospreay into the barricade. Scurll rolls Ospreay in the ring. Scurll twists Ospreay’s neck. Scurll slams Ospreay into the ropes. Scurll hits a rope-assisted DDT for two.

Scurll smacks Ospreay. Scurll locks in a Torture Rack. Scurll drops Ospreay for a nearfall.

Scurll taunst Ospreay more. Scurll locks in the Gory Special but Ospreay fights out. Scurll counters a springboard attack with a catapult into the bottom rope.

Scurll dominates Ospreay in the corner. Scurll locks in a Straight Jacket Choke. Ospreay counters with a choke of his own. Ospreay hits a Handspring Cartwheel Enziguri.

Ospreay hits a European Uppercut. Scurll dodges a dropkick. Ospreay hits a 619. Ospreay hits a springboard splash. Ospreay hits a standing shooting star for two.

Ospreay climbs to the top rope, but Scurll grabs the nose. Ospreay hits a German Suplex. Ospreay goes for Cheeky Nandos but Scurll counters with a DDT. Scurll goes for a suplex but Ospreay hits a Stunner.

Ospreay pummels Scurll. Ospreay signals for Osscutter but Scurll goes for a finger snap. Ospreay fights out and gets a near fall but Scurll bridges and attempts crossface chickenwing but Ospreay powers out. Scurll hits Pumphandle Neckbreaker for two.

Scurll comes back with a flurry of offense. Scurll goes for a Nekcbreaker but Ospreay backslides for two. Scurll gets thrown outside, but skins the cat into a tombstone piledriver to Ospreay on the outside.

Both men get in the ring where Scurll gets a two count. The two exchange punches. Scurll hits a low thrust kick. Ospreay hits an Enziguri.  Ospreay hits a Powerbomb. Ospreay hits Robinson Special. Ospreay goes for Osscutter but Scurll sends him to the floor, with Ospreay’s head hitting the apron on the way to the floor.

On the apron, Scurll hits an Enziguri.  Ospreay hits a Spanish Fly to the floor, hitting his head on the apron on the way to the floor. Ospreay is busted open. Both men beat the count. Ospreay climbs to the top rope and hits a phoenix splash for two.

Scurll hits a kick to the back of Ospreay’s head for two. Ospreay blocks a Thrust Kick and hits a roundhouse. Scurll goes for the Chickenwing but Ospreay reverses. Ospreay hits Osscutter but can’t pin Scurll. Scurll hits a Ganso Bomb for two.

Scurll snaps Will’s fingers and then stomps on his head repeatedly. Scurll locks in the Chickenwing. Ospreay fights to the ropes.

Scurll signals for a Tombstone but Ospreay hits a Stunner. Ospreay hits Osscutter for the pinfall.


After the match, Ospreay challenged KUSHIDA and KUSHIDA accepted.

EIGHTH MATCH: The Golden Lovers (Kenny Omega & Kota Ibushi) vs. Team Cody (Cody & Hangman Page)

Omega and Cody start. They lock up. They break. Cody flees to the crowd. Cody gets back in the ring. Page tags in.

Page hits a shoulder tackle. Page chops away on Omega. Cody gets a sneaky kick. Omega dumps Page over the top rope and onto Cody. Omega hits both men with a Plancha.

Back in the ring, Omega hits a Flying Crossbody. Ibushi tags in and they both chop away at Cody. Ibushi hits a roundhouse. Omega and Ibushi go for Golden Trigger but Page breaks it up. Ibushi hits a gut kick. Omega hits Aoi Shoudou. Team Cody blocks Cross Slash. Everyone Brawls On The Outside™. Cody throws a chair at Omega.

Back in the ring, Cody beats on Ibushi. Cody corners Ibushi. Page tags in and chokes Ibushi in the corner. Page brutalizes Ibushi. Cody tags in and hits an Axe Handle. Cody works Ibushi’s arm. Page tags in and stomps on Ibushi’s chest. Ibushi hits a Dropkick. Omega tags in. Omega cleans house. Omega hits a double sledge on Hangman for two.

Omega hits a Death Valley Driver but Cody blocks Omega’s moonsault. Page hits a Second Rope Neckbreaker for two. Cody tags in. Cody maintains dominance. Cody corners Omega. Omega fights back but Cody hits an armbreaker. Page tags in. Page hits a Pumphandle Fallaway Slam for two.

Cody tags in. Cody locks in a Butterfly Lock. Omega fights to the ropes. Out to the floor, Cody grabs a table. Omega fights back. Omega hits a suplex to the floor. Omega and Ibushi get slammed on the table. Team Cody sets up the table. Page puts Kenny on the table. Cody climbs to the top but the Young Buck come out in Bullet Club shirts. Cody offers his hand to The Bucks but they turn him away. Cody rolls Kenny in the ring. Kenny fights back. Page gets a sneaky kick. Cody hits a Throat Thrust. Ibushi gets a sneaky kick. Omega hits a Spinning Wheel Kick. Page clears the apron and corners Omega.

Ibushi tags in and hits a dropkick. Cody is busted open. Ibushi hits a Hurricanrana. COdy hits a head kick. Omega hits a Fireman’s Carry, Shooting Star Press, Moonsault, Moonsault, Double pin for two.

Golden Lovers hit Cross Slash. Omega Powerbombs Cody into a German Suplex from Kota. Golden Lovers go up top. Golden Shower attempt is canceled by a Hangman Page attack. Cody hits Kota with a Release Suplex for two.

Ibushi fights back. Page hits a dropkick on Omega into a Moonsault on Ibushi for two. Page goes for Rite of Passage. Kota goes for Last Ride. Cody hits Cross Rhodes on Kota. Omega hits V-Trigger on Cody. Omega knocks out Page and goes for V-Trigger but Cody hits a Powerslam. Cody blocks a moonsault and Page hits Kota with a German for two.

Kota throws Page out of the ring. Omega goes for One Winged Angel from the apron but instead Kota goes for a German Suplex. Page gets Kota on his shoulders and Cody hits a Springboard Doomsday Dropkick for two.

Cody hits Disaster Kick to Omega. Page hits a Yakuza Kick to Omega, sending him off the apron, through the table. Ibushi ducks Buckshot Lariat and hits Double Pele Kick. Ibushi hits Last Ride Powerbomb on Cody for two. Cody ducks Kamigoye and goes for Cross Rhodes, but Kota flips out and hits a German Suplex. Ibushi goes for Kamigoye, but Page grabs the ankle. Cody rolls up Ibushi with a handful of tights for the pinfall.

WINNERS: Team Cody

After the match, Team Cody beat up Ibushi. Cody grabs a chair but Omega stops him. Cody ducks the chair. Page ducks the chair. Team Cody flees.

MAIN EVENT: IWGP Heavyweight Champion Kazuchika Okada vs. Zack Sabre Jr.

Chain wrestling sees Sabre get the early advantage. Sabre locks in a headlock, arm scissors. Sabre breaks.

Okada works a wristlock but Sabre flips out easily. On their knees, Sabre locks in a front facelock and then a modified crucifix stretch. Sabre rolls up Okada but Okada breaks out.

Test of Strength sees Sabre use his flexibility to his advantage. Sabre works in a wristlock. Okada counters with a leglock. Sabre counters with a cross armbreaker but Okada breaks it.

Sabre locks in a Cravate. Okada tries to fight out but Sabre keeps the hold locked. Okada tries to roll out but Sabre maintains. Okada goes for a body slam, but Sabre keeps the Cravate locked. Okada fights to the ropes. Okada breaks, but Sabre locks in a wristlock. Okada locks in a modified Bow and Arrow. Okada locks in a Cloverleaf. Sabre counters with a Heel Hook. Okada counters with his own deathlock. Okada rolls up Sabre for one.

Test of strength sees Okada dominate Sabre. Sabre fights back and locks in a double wristlock. Okada counters with a toehold. Sabre counters with a Side Headlock. Okada counters with headscissors. Sabre counters with a heel hold. Okada tries to power out but ends up in a bow and arrow. Okada gets a nearfall. Okada hits a European Uppercut. Okada goes for a hiptossm but Sabre goes for a Cobra Twist, Okada hits the hiptoss. Okada goes for the cobra clutch but Sabre locks in an Octopus Hold. Okada rolls to the ropes.

Sabre grounds Okada and locks in a bridging single leg crab. Sabre locks in a double leg lock. Sabre uses his legs to snap Okada’s leg.

Sabre bumps Okada with his crotch, but Okada fights back. Okada goes for a dropkick but Sabre locks in an STF. Sabre goes for Orienteering With Napalm Death but Okada gets to the ropes.

The two exchange strikes. Okada hits a Flapjack. Okada hits a huge boot on Sabre. Okada hits a corner elbow. Okada hits a DDT. Sabre locks Okada in a rope-assisted Octopus Hold. Okada goes for a suplex but Sabre twists the arm and smacks Okada with his own hand. Okada smacks Sabre off the apron.

Okada sends Sabre over the barricade. Okada hits a Crossbody into the crowd.

Back in the ring, Okada goes for Air Raid Crash Neckbreaker but Sabre turns it into an Octopus Hold. Sabre grounds Okada and hyper-extends Okada’s arm. Sabre turns it into Orienteering With Napalm Death but Okada gets to the ropes.

Sabre uses his legs to snap Okada’s arm. Sabre grinds Okada into the mat. Sabre stomps Okada. Sabre hits a European Uppercut. Okada ducks. Sabre locks in a Guillotine Choke. Okada goes for a Tombstone, but Sabre locks in a Rear Naked, into a Guillotine, Hammerlock combo. Okada counters with Air Raid Crash Neckbreaker. Okada slams Sabre. Okada climbs to the top rope. Okada goes for an Elbow Drop, but Sabre catches him and goes for a cross armbreaker, but Okada gets to the ropes.

Sabre stomps and kicks at Okada. The two exchange forearms. Okada shrugs off Sabre’s strikes. Okada hits a Dropkick. Sabre hits a back elbow. Sabre goes for an armbreaker. Okada goes for a backslide. Okada goes for Rainmaker but Sabre hits an arm trap pele. Okada hits two dropkicks. Okada hits a Tombstone but Sabre rolls into a leg-trap hammerlock. Sabre goes after the arm. Sabre ducks Rainmaker with a European Clutch for two.

Sabre gets another rollup for two. Sabre hits a Penalty Kick. Both men exchange strikes. Sabre kicks at Okada’s injured arm. Sabre drops Okada. Okada hits a dropkick. Sabre counters Rainmaker with an Armbar. Sabre transitions into a triangle choke. Okada counters with Rainmaker. Okada maintains wrist control. Okada hits Rainmaker again. Okada goes for a third, but Sabre locks in the Octopus Hold. Okada counters with Tombstone. Okada hits Rainmaker for the pinfall.


After the match, Tanahashi challenged Okada.