Photo Credit: AXS TV

NJPW Strong Style: Evolved Results (3/25) Bucks vs. Lovers, Hangman vs. Switchblade, CHAOS vs. Suzuki-gun, More.

Before the show, Josh Barnett explains the meaning of Strong Style.

FIRST MATCH: Roppogi 3K (Sho, Yoh & Rocky Romero) vs. SoCal Uncensored (Christopher Daniels, Kazarian & Scorpio Sky)

Scorpio and Romero start off. They lock up. Romero locks in a wristlock. Sky flips out and works a hold of his own. The two exchange strikes. A chop battle transitions into a flurry of slaps from Romero. Sky takes down Romero and hits a neckbreaker.

Kazarian tags in. Yoh tags in. Kazarian locks Yoh into a headlock. Yoh cartwheels out but gets dropped by a shoulder tackle. Yoh hits a huge European Uppercut. Sho comes in and they hit a Drop Toe Hold/Head Kick combo. Daniels tries to interfere but eats a double dropkick. Kazarian rakes Yoh’s eyes but gets floored with a dropkick. Yoh hits another dropkick for a nearfall.

Yoh continues to dominate but Kazarian fights back. Kazarian seems to hurt himself and tags in Daniels. Daniels dominates. Kazarian tags back in and fights Yoh. Yoh tries to tag in Romero but Kazarian uses the referee distraction to decimate Yoh. On the outside, Daniels hits Yoh with a beautiful Moonsault. In the ring, Scorpio tags in and hits a Cutter for two.

Kazarian tags in but the double team splash fails. Romero hits a springboard crossbody after tagging in. Romero hits Forever Lariats on Daniels and Kazarian. Kazrian ducks a lariat but gets hung up on the ropes, where Romero hits a springboard dropkick for two.

Everyone brawls in the ring. Sho and Yoh get thrown to the outside. Romero goes for a Blockbuster but gets caught by Kazarian. Sky leaps onto Sho and Yoh, Daniels and Kaz hit a springboard Tombstone Piledriver on Romero but Yoh breaks up the pin.

Scorpio accidentally hits Daniels with a Cutter. Sho tags in. Scorpio Sky tags in. Sho hits rolling Germans on Scorpio Sky, but Sky fights out of the third suplex. Scorpio tries to fight back but gets hit with a Dominator/Neckbreaker combo for two.

Sho hits a Backstabber. Yoh hits a Dropkick. Sho & Yoh hit 3K for the pinfall.

WINNERS: Roppongi 3K.

SECOND MATCH: David Finlay & Juice Robinson vs. CHAOS (Gedo & Hirooki Goto)

Juice and Robinson start by exchanging waistlocks. Goto works into a wirstlock. Robinson reverses but ends up in a Headlock. Goto tries to drop Robinson with tackles, but can’t. Goto challenges Juice to do the same, and he staggers Goto. Juice drops Goto with a Back Elbow. Juice hits a dropkick for a two.

Goto fights back but can’t get Juice off his feet. Double lariats see Juice powering up. Goto ducks a sidekick and hits a huge Lariat on Juice. Goto suplexes Finlay onto Juice. Goto continues to punish Juice with strikes. Goto locks in a Chinlock and breaks dirty. Gedo tags in and rakes the face of Juice. Gedo rams Juice into Goto’s boot. Goto tags in and pummelsw Robinson. Robinson tries to fight back but ends up on the canvas. Gedo tags in. Goto and Gedo hit a double shoulder tackle. Gedo continues to work over Juice’s eyes and pull at his hair. Gedo goes for Dusty punches. Juice counters with Dusty Punches of his own. Gedo pokes Juice’s eyes. Juice pokes Gedo. Finlay tags in. Goto tags in. Finlay hits a European Uppercut. Finlay hits Forever Uppercuts on Gedo and Goto. Finlay covers Gedo for two. Goto hits Ushiguroshi. Gedo hits a Thrust Kick but Finlay breaks the pin.

Juice fights out of Ushiguroshi and hits a Full Nelson Slam. Juice fights Gedo to the outside, including a huge dive. Finlay hits a Cutter on Gedo in the ring for the pinfall.

WINNERS: David Finlay & Juice Robinson

THIRD MATCH: CHAOS (Chuckie T & Toru Yano) vs. Killer Elite Squad (Lance Archer & Davey Boy Smith Jr)

Smith and Archer attack their opponents before the bell. Smith dominates Chuckie, but Chuckie fights back and tries to lock in an Octopus Hold. Smith hits a Deadlift German Suplex.

Archer tags in and keeps Chuckie on the canvas. Archer does Undertaker’s Rope Walk attack. Smith tags in and slams Chuckie for two.

Snith continues to throw Chuckie around like a ragdoll. Smith gets a nearfall. Smith locks in a Liontamer. Chuckie fights to the ropes. Smith hits an elbow. Smith mounts Chuckie and pummels him with fists.

Archer tags in and intimidates Yano off the apron. Archer runs over Chuckie with a shoulder block. Archer intimidates Yano off the apron again. Smith gets in and hits a Double Underhook Suplex for two.

Smith locks in a side headlock. Archer tags in and continues the domination. Chuckie ducks a Hart Attack. Chuckie hits a DDT on Smith. Yano tags in. Yano is unable to effectively attack Archer, but is very effective at evading him. Archer blocks a Low Blow. Yano continues to evade Archer, but Archer knocks him out of the ring.

Archer teases a dive, but gets pulled off the apron by Yano. Chuckie T hits a Senton onto KES. Yano teases a Plancha, but instead removes the turnbuckle. Archer gets in the ring. Both men grab at eachother’s hair. Yano drops Archer but Archer pops up. Yano sends Archer into the exposed turnbuckle. Chuckie T hits a Sunset Flip on Archer for two. Chuckie hits a Piledriver but the pin is broken.

Archer ducks a moonsault, Chuckie goes for a backslide, but Archer counters with a Chokeslam attempt. Chuckie fights out, but Archer hits a fresh one. Archer covers Chuckie but Chuckie turns the pin into a crucifix pin for two. Chuckie tries to double team KES but gets hit with Killer Bomb for the pinfall.

WINNERS: Killer Elite Squad


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