capitol wrestling
Photo Credit: Capitol Wrestling

View From The Capitol #2: Paul Jordane v Jasin Karloff Preview, Gangone Grabs For The Brass Ring, Capitol Wrestling TV #50, More

Anthony Gangone Grabs For The Brass Ring: 

On Sunday, one of the planned matches for Capitol Anniversary was postponed, as Beau Crockett suffered a knee injury which will keep him out of action for at least six weeks.

Anthony Gangone, Crockett’s scheduled opponent, could have taken the night off or chose any opponent from the Capitol roster. Instead, the man who is “one above all” demanded that he be granted the opportunity to face off against his former collaborator and mentor, Darius Carter.

Carter, who issued an open challenge to anyone willing to grab for the “Brass Ring” on March 24th, welcomed the challenge of his former brother in “change.”

Gangone has had formidable opponents in the past while a member of the Capitol roster, and looks to prove once again this Saturday night, that the term “wrestling god” isn’t a cute nickname.

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