Backstage, Bray Wyatt says Matt Hardy is a fool, a liar, and most importantly, just a man. When the devil is at your door you should never let him in. Wyatt agrees to face Hardy in the Ultimate Deletion match. Wyatt says Hardy has a beautiful family and it would be a shame if something happened to them.
Backstage, Angle says he knew Wyatt was crazy but what the hell happened to Hardy? Angle tells a referee that he is sending him to referee the Ultimate Deletion match next week. The referee asks Angle if he did something wrong (lol). Angle says he knows the match is going to be crazy and Angle needs him to make sure Wyatt and Hardy make it back to Raw in one piece.
#WZChat #RAW just a friendly reminder that Ultimate Deletion is when you reformat your computer so your wife can't find your porn.
— Sensationo (@DavidBerry73) March 13, 2018
Tune into @WWE #RAW right now.
I'm going to introduce you to my TRUSTED PLATOON, The #HardyCompound & The #UltimateDELETION!!