WWE RAW Results

WWE RAW Results (3/12) Roman Reigns Suspended, Cena Challenges Undertaker, Did Braun Strowman Punch His Ticket To WrestleMania?

The Bar vs The Miztourage

Before the bell rings Dallas and Axel attack the Bar. Sheamus and Cesaro retreat to the outside. Sheamus and Cesaro get in the ring and a huge brawl breaks out. The Revival hits the ring and attacks Sheamus and Cesaro. The Miztourage and the Revival beat down Sheamus and Cesaro. Sheamus and Cesaro escape the ring but Anderson and Gallows cut them off. The Bar almost escapes again but Titus O’Neil and Apollo Crews cut them off and drag them back into the ring. Heath Slater and Rhyno are right behind them. Cesaro escapes through the crowd as Sheamus escapes up the ramp.

No Contest

In Ring Segment: John Cena

Cena says we are four weeks away and he has finally found his path to WrestleMania. Cena says he is able to stand in the ring and face the truth. He tried his hardest on BOTH shows but he couldn’t get the job done. No excuses. Cena says he is here tonight… before he can finish an Undertaker chant breaks out. Cena says the WWE Universe is kind and he hopes the people in the back listen. Cena is here tonight to tell us that he will not be contributing to WrestleMania. Cena isn’t quitting. Cena’s road to WrestleMania is to go to the show as a fan. Cena isn’t going with a boo boo face, he is going and he is going to have a blast. Cena points at various places in the crowd that he might be sitting during the show. Cena runs out to the crowd and shares a beer with a fan. Cena starts a “this is awesome” chant. The crowd joins in. Cena tries to get a “let’s go Roman” chant but the crowd boos.

Cena laughs and goes back into the ring. Cena starts a “let’s go Cena/Cena sucks” chant because we won’t be able to do that at WrestleMania. Cena says the only way that is going to happen if he does something he isn’t supposed to do. It won’t change anything either way, right? Cena says screw it and challenges the Undertaker to a match at WrestleMania. Cena says he was told that match is impossible. Why?  Cena says let’s try this again. Cena challenges Taker over and over again. Cena says the only person stopping this from happening is Taker. Cena tells Taker to get over his own ego. Cena says Taker needs to stop hiding behind his insecurities. If Taker was old and broken down he wouldn’t be posting workout videos on his wife’s Instagram. If it takes feeding Taker’s ego to get this done, Cena will do it. Cena is either going to WrestleMania as a fan or as Taker’s opponent, which would be history. If Cena was Taker, he would want one more match. Cena drops the mic and walks away.



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