Photo Credit: Impact Wrestling

Exclusive: Rosemary On The Callihan Ball Bat Incident, Who Really Started Women’s Revolution?, MMA Stars Taking Spots From Wrestlers?, More

Exclusive: Rosemary On The Sami Callihan/Eddie Edwards Incident, Who Really Started The Women’s Revolution, MMA Stars Taking Spots In Pro Wrestlers Spots, More
Photo Credit: Impact Wrestling

Rosemary on pro wrestlers losing spots to MMA stars:

RM: (If that happens) I have failed at making myself irreplaceable. I’m sure that there are always people will perceive their spot or their job or the safety as their security blanket could be taken away. I am of the mindset that I didn’t believe there is a security blanket. If you get complacent or lazy or aren’t pushing yourself to be the best then you’re putting yourself at risk of losing that spot not somebody else coming in and doing it. You wouldn’t get replaced if you are irreplaceable. You wouldn’t get replaced if you were the fight that people wanted to see. If Taya and Rosemary weren’t dawning interest and we weren’t something people want to see them why would they go forward with it? The response that I’ve seen off the two of us is that people want us to rip each other’s heads off so what is going to move forward and keep doing what we are doing. I believe it’s a challenge if someone else comes in that might put pressure on what I’m doing then I’m going to step up my game prove that I’m still the top dog.

Rosemary on why Impact is surging and what she is looking forward to at Crossroads this week:

RM: I think people are really starting to see what was saying and Impact has admittedly asked for so many times throughout the years for another chance and I have gone on record saying that if you were going to give Impact another chance now is the time. I really do feel a change in the winds, a difference backstage and a difference in the office and the difference in all aspects of the show and I feel like that sort of thing speaks for itself. You can beg, and you can pray and drag people to force them to watch things or you can make something that they can’t ignore and want to watch. I think that’s what’s happening… or we could just call attention to the fact that Rosemary and Taya renewed their feud and we did the highest number since last Summer so… Yeah, we are very much looking forward to Crossroads with Allie and Laurel Van Ness for the Knockouts title.

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