impact wrestling

Impact Wrestling Results (3/1) Taya Valkyrie Returns, Eddie Edwards Battles Sami Callihan!

Sami Callihan w/oVe vs Eddie Edwards

Edwards dumps Callihan to the outside and hits a suicide dive. Callihan runs back into the ring and hits a suicide dive on Edwards. Edwards runs into the ring and hits a second suicide dive. Edwards chops Callihan on the guardrail. Jake Crist pulls Edwards off the apron. The referee kicks Dave and Jake out of the arena. Edwards turns around and Callihan kicks him right in the face. After the match, Callihan has Edwards in a rear chin lock. Edwards fights out of it and drops Callihan with a clothesline. Callihan responds with a palm strike. Edwards suplexes Callihan. Callihan rolls out to the apron. Edwards sets up a butterfly driver. Callihan manages to reverse it into a piledriver on the apron. Callihan rolls back into the ring while Edwards is lifeless on the floor.

Edwards gets back in the ring to break the count. Callihan destroys Edwards with a sit-out powerbomb for a near fall. Callihan chops Edwards in the corner. Modified octopus hold by Callihan. Callihan tries to lock in a sleeper but Edwards hits a jawbreaker. Back elbow by Callihan. Callihan goes up top. Edwards comes flying in and kicks Callihan in the head. Superplex by Edwards. Backpack stunner by Edwards. Callihan kicks out at 2.5. Callihan trips Edwards into the corner. Callihan hits a running big boot. Callihan tries it again but Edwards gets to his feet. Callihan drops Edwards with a rope hang neck breaker. Edwards and Callihan trade strikes in the middle of the ring. Edwards and Callihan take turns pump kicking each other. Callihan eventually drops Edwards with a clothesline. Edwards rolls up Callihan and gets the quick three count.

Winner- Sami Callihan

After the match, Callihan attacks Edwards. Backstage, Dave and Jake attack Lashley so he can’t help Edwards. Callihan sits a chair on Edwards and hits it with his bat.

What a match. Callihan and Edwards tried to kill each other tonight. For an angle that is only a week or so old, they went at each other as if this was a blow-off match. I wasn’t sure what to expect from the huge tag match between oVe and Lashley and Edwards next week but if they come at that match with half the intensity they had in this match it could be a hell of a match.

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