WWE RAW Results

WWE RAW Results (2/26) Reigns “Shoots” On Brock Lesnar, Ronda Rousey Confronts The Authority, And More!

Miz kicks out. Rollins goes up top. Miz rolls to the other side of the ring before Rollins can do anything. Miz kicks Rollins in the knee and DDTs him. Rollins kicks out. Miz lands multiple dropkicks in the corner. Corner clothesline by Miz. Miz climbs up top. Rollins crotches Miz on the top rope. Rollins is favoring his hip. Rollins tries to suplex Miz but Miz knocks Rollins off the top. Rollins gets back to his feet, hops to the top rope and hits a superplex into a falcon arrow for a long two count. Rollins sets up a Stomp. Axel grabs his leg. Rollins dives onto Axel and Dallas. Rollins dumps Miz over the top and dives onto him as well. Rollins sends Miz back into the ring. Rollins hits the Revolution Knee. Rollins goes up top and hits a frog splash while Miz is more than halfway across the ring. Rollins finally gets the pinfall victory.

Winner- Seth Rollins

After the match, Finn Bálor comes out and does his full entrance. Rollins looks on both amazed and annoyed. Rollins shakes his head and walks away.

The Miz vs Finn Bálor

Before the match kicks off the Miztourage attacks Bálor to cause the DQ.

Winner- Finn Bálor

After the match, Anderson and Gallows hit the ring to make the save.

Angle appears on ‘Tron and ejects Axel, Dallas, Anderson, and Gallows from ringside. This match will continue and there must be a winner. If there isn’t Miz will not be going to Mania.

The Miz vs Finn Bálor Take Two!

Miz DDTs Bálor. Bálor kicks out. Miz dumps Bálor out of the ring. Bálor sends Miz into the steps. Bálor sends Miz back into the ring. Miz kicks Bálor in the face. Bálor falls into the corner. Suplex by Bálor. Bálor kicks out. Miz DDTs Bálor again. Bálor kicks out, again. Running knee by Miz. After the break, Bálor floors Miz with the overhead kick. Bálor double legs Miz and hits the double foot stomp. Bálor hits the Eye of the Hurricane but Miz kicks out. Miz hits a neck breaker on Bálor. Bálor kicks out. Miz tries the “it” kicks but Bálor kicks Miz in the knee and lays into Miz with his own version of the “it” kicks. Bálor hits a dropkick to Miz’s face. Miz rolls out of the ring. Bálor hits the shotgun dropkick which sends Miz into the barricade. Bálor hits the sling blade, then the Coup de Grâs for the win!

Winner- Finn Bálor

Backstage, Rollins says he has no idea what Bálor is trying to prove. Rollins says he wants Miz and the IC title at WrestleMania.



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