WWE Elimination Chamber
Design / Layout Credit: Bill Pritchard

WWE Elimination Chamber Results (2/25) Bliss Defends in Elimination Chamber, Did Reigns Punch His Ticket to WrestleMania?

WWE Elimination Chamber Results 

February 25th, 2018

Report By Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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Kickoff Match:

Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson vs The Miztourage 

Axel takes down Anderson. Axel rolls into a front chancery. Anderson gets to his feet. Anderson sends Axel into the ropes but Axel floors Anderson with a running shoulder tackle. Anderson surprises Axel with a dropkick. Anderson tags in Gallows, who body slams Axel. Axel stumbles into the corner. Gallows lays into him with rights and lefts. Gallows calls Axel a nerd before dropping him with a stiff uppercut. Anderson is back in. Axel forces Anderson into the corner. Axel and Dallas take turns working over Anderson. Anderson blast Axel with a karate kick. Dallas gets a blind tag. Anderson goes up to but Dallas knocks him off the ropes. Anderson tumbles to the outside.

After a short break, Dallas and Axel are have started working over Anderson once again. Anderson manages to hit a sick kick on Axel. Anderson tags in Gallows, who clears the ring. Gallows destroys Dallas with a big boot, then a splash. The Club sets up the Boot of Doom but Axel breaks it up. Double team move by Dallas and Axel leads to a near fall on Anderson. Axel goes up top. Anderson pushes Dallas into the ropes, crotching Axel. Anderson spine busters Dallas. Axel dives off the top into a boot by Gallows. The Club hits the Magic Killer for the win.

Winners- Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson