Credit: NJPW/TV Asahi

NJPW New Beginning In Osaka Results: Ospreay vs. Hiromu, Goto vs. EVIL, Okada vs. SANADA, More.

MAIN EVENT (CHAOS vs. LIJ): IWGP Heavyweight Champion Kazuchika Okada vs. SANADA

The two hesitantly test each other out to start. Grounded chainwrestling follows, with SANADA showing dominance. After a series of reversal attempts, Okada locks in a hammerlock. They get to their feet. They lock up and Okada locks in a wristlock, but SANADA counters with a wristlock of his own. Okada reverses into a wristlock. SANADA cartwheels out but Okada escapes with acrobatics of his own.

Test of strength sees Okada get the top wristlock. Okada tries to trip SANADA but SANADA bridges. Okada into the ropes and hits SANADA with a shoulder block. Okada hits a hiptoss. SANADA goes for a springboard attack but Okada forearms him in the mouth. On the apron, Okada tries a DDT but gets run into the ring post. SANADA grabs Okada and leaps off the apron, slamming Okada’s head into the guardrail. SANADA gets back in the ring. Okada beats the countout at 14.

SANADA throws Okada out of the ring. SANADA runs him up the entry way and hits a Piledriver on the ramp. Okada beats the count but SANADA locks in a Cravate. Okada powers out. SANADA drops Okada with a back elbow and hits a standing moonsault for a two count. SANADA locks in a hold but Okada fights to his feet. SANADA drops Okada with a back elbow, Okada dodges the Moonsault but SANADA scouts it and hits the Moonsault for a two count. SANADA stomps away on the champion. SANADA hits a piledriver for two.

SANADA goes back to the chinlock. Okada fights out of the hold, ducks a back elbow and pummels SANADA. SANADA charges but Okada hits a Flapjack. Okada gets to his feet and hits a running chop block followed by a back elbow. Okada hits a huge running strike and corners SANADA. Okada hits a DDT for two.

Okada climbs the top rope but SANADA throws him from the top rope, ala Ric Flair. SANADA goes to the apron but gets hit with a huge dropkick from Okada, sending him into the barricade. Okada knocks SANADA over the barricade and then brings him back to ringside with a vicious draping DDT to the floor. Okada rolls SANADA back in the ring and stomps on his head tauntingly. SANADA gets to his feet and they exchange forearms. Okada gets the best of the strike exchange and Okada hits a neckbreaker. Okada goes up top and hits a huge Elbow Drop. Okada signals for Rainmaker. SANADA ducks the Rainmaker and hits a Saito Suplex.

Both men get to their feet and SANADA counters Tombstone Piledriver. SANADA dropkicks Okada out of the ring and hits a huge dive to the outside. SANADA gets in the ring and hits another dive to the outside. SANADA rolls Okada back into the ring. SANADA hits a Springboard Dropkick for two. Okada goes for the Air Raid Crash Neckbreaker but SANADA counters. SANADA gets an O’Connor Roll into Skull End but Okada reverses for a two count.

SANADA tries to lock in Skull End but Okada tries to fight out. Okada gets his foot to the ropes. SANADA stomps on Okada’s back tauntingly. Okada gets to his feet and the two exchange strikes, but SANADA gets the best of the exchange. Okada hits European Uppercut but SANADA floors him with an Uppercut of his own. SANADA hits TKO for two. SANADA goes for Skull End but Okada counters out. SANADA flips out of a Cobra Clutch attempt and locks in Skull End. Okada tries to get to the ropes, but SANADA cinches the hold. Okada tries to roll out but SANADA keeps it locked in. Okada fights out and gets to the ropes.

SANADA hits a backbreaker but misses the Moonsault, landing on his feet. Boot to the face from Okada keep SANADA at bay. Okada goes for a lariat but SANADA locks in a full nelson and then hits a tiger suplex for two.

SANADA puts Okada on the top rope and locks in a Dragon Sleeper. SANADA hits a top rope backbreaker, in the style of Randy Orton. SANADA goes for Skull End but Okada rolls out. Okada goes for Rainmaker but SANADA ducks and hits Rainmaker of his own for 2.99999.

SANADA goes for Skull End but Okada reverses with a dragon sleeper. Okada hits a dropkick to the back, Okada hits another dropkick. Okada hits the Tombstone Piledriver and then goes for Rainmaker but SANADA counters into Skull End. SANADA breaks the Skull End and hits a Moonsault for two.

SANADA goes for another moonsault but Okada gets the knees up. Okada hits Rainmaker but can’t capitalize. Okada has wrist control but both men are down. Okada hits another Rainmaker. Okada goes for a third but SANADA counters. Okada goes for a Tombstone but SANADA counters. Okada hits German suplex and goes for Rainmaker but SANADA counters. SANADA goes for Skull End but Okada counters with a corkscrew Tombstone and Rainmaker for the pinfall.


After the match, Okada announced that he plans to wrestle in the New Japan Cup.


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