Credit: NJPW/TV Asahi

NJPW New Beginning In Osaka Results: Ospreay vs. Hiromu, Goto vs. EVIL, Okada vs. SANADA, More.

FOURTH MATCH: Toa Henare, David Finlay & Juice Robinson vs. CHAOS (Tomohiro Ishii, Toru Yano & Jay White)

Robinson and Yano start for their teams. Yano runs for the turnbuckle and removes the pad. Robinson hits an Airplane Spin on Yano but makes himself dizzy. Both men stumble dizzly and Yano eats a fist from Finlay. Henare and Ishii exchange forearms and headbutts with each other. White comes in and goes for a running strike but eats a European Uppercut from Finlay. Robinson hits Dusty punches on Yano, but Yano ducks and White sends Robinson into the exposed ringpost and out to the floor. Robinson gets in and Ishii tags in and dominates Robinson with knife edge chops. Robinson fights back with chops of his own to no effect. Ishii drops Robinson with a shoulder block and tags in White. Robinson flips out of a back suplex and White ends up in the exposed corner. Finlay tags in and pummels White, but White fights back with chops, but gets hit with a dropkick from Finlay. Finlay hits running European Uppercuts in the corner but gets hit with a snap side suplex by White.

White reverses a Suplex and hits a Uranage Backbreaker. Henare tags in and hits a huge Spinebuster on White for a cover but Yano breaks it up. Robinson blocks a suplex. Ishii tries to help Yano but Finlay reverses into a double neckbreaker. Finlay and Robinson hit a Leg Sweep/Dropkick combo. Henare hits a shoulder tackle for two, Henare does a jaka and attempts a Samoan Drop but White fights out. Henare tries again, but White powers out and hits a huge forearm. White hits Blade Runner, but instead of covering hits the MMA Elbows for the stoppage.


After the match, White locks the referee in a Crucifix submission.

Rey Mysterio challenged Jushin “Thunder” Liger to a match at Strong Style: Evolved!


BUSHI went to grab his masks from Gedo but Gedo knocked him out on the entry ramp and fought him to the ring. Gedo works over BUSHI and they end up brawling on the outside. Gedo chokes BUSHI but BUSHI gets the upperhand and rips at Gedo’s beard.

In the ring, BUSHI locks in the STB (Stepover Toeholde Beardlock) but Gedo gets to the ropes. BUSHI locks in a headlock and rips more of Gedo’s beard out. Gedo counters a lariat with a Complete Shot. Gedo locks in a crossface and then tries to undo BUSHI’s mask. Gedo unties BUSHI’s mask and then re-ties it to the top rope. BUSHI tries to slap at Gedo but he’s tied to the rope. Gedo taunts BUSHI and punches him. Syota Umino uses hedge clippers to cut BUSHI free. BUSHI hits a dropkick and BUSHI-roonie, followed by a huge Tope to the outside. BUSHI hits running corner knees, followed by a Fisherman Neckbreaker for a two count. BUSHI goes for the MX but Gedo dodges and goes for a Small Package for two. BUSHI goes for a standing MX but Gedo throws BUSHI into the referee. Gedo blocks the mist and hits a low blow. Gedo hits the Superkick for a two count.

Gedo clutch is countered. BUSHI hits a standing MX for a two count. BUSHI hits a full MX for the pinfall.


SIXTH MATCH (CHAOS vs. LIJ): Yoshi-Hashi vs. Tetsuya Naito

Yoshi-Hashi attacks Naito as Naito enters. Yoshi-Hashi gets in the ring and does Naito’s signature Tranquilo pose. Yoshi-Hashi hits a plancha to the outside. Yoshi-Hashi rolls Naito back in the ring. Naito rolls out. Yoshi-Hashi rolls Naito back in the ring. Naito rolls out. Yoshi-Hashi gives chase and gets ambushed by Naito. Naito hits a neckbreaker on the apron.

In the ring and Naito hits a neckbreaker for two. Naito works over Yoshi-Hashi’s neck. Naito stomps away on Yoshi-Hashi. Naito goes for a DDT but Yoshi-Hashi counters with a DDT of his own.

Yoshi-Hashi delivers a flurry of strikes and then hits Naito with a slam. Yoshi-Hashi pummels Naito in the corner. Yoshi-Hashi hits a dropkick to Naito’s back for a two count.

Naito fights back and hits Yoshi-Hashi with a DDT. The referee’s check on Yoshi-Hashi, who appears to have injured his neck but Naito keeps up his assault. Naito pummels Yoshi-Hashi in the corner. Yoshi-Hashi sends Naito out of the ring and hits a Tope Con Hilo. Yoshi-Hashi takes Naito up the entry ramp and hits a Suplex/Neckbreaker on Naito. Yoshi-Hashi throws Naito back in the ring and hits a blockbuster for a two count. Yoshi-Hashi locks in the Butterfly Lock. Naito fights out but Yoshi-Hashi locks it in a second time. Naito gets to his feet and hits a DDT.

Naito hits a slingshot dropkick on Yoshi-Hashi in the corner. Naito hits a Scorpion Death Drop for two. Yoshi-Hashi hits a chop to the chest but Naito hits a flying forearm. Naito goes for Destino but Yoshi-Hashi counters with an Oklahoma Slam. The two get to their feet and exchange forearms. The forearms turn to slaps. The slaps turn to chops. Yoshi-Hashi hits a thrust kick and then a Western Lariat for two.

Yoshi-Hashi hits a powerbomb for two. Yoshi-Hashi locks in the Butterfly Lock. After an eternity in the hold, the referee checks Naito’s arm but Naito powers to the rope just before the stoppage. Yoshi-Hashi breaks the hold and goes for Karma but Naito fights out. They exchange strikes and Naito hits a release German suplex. Yoshi-Hashi charges but gets blocked. Naito hits the top rope Hurricanrana. Naito hits a Dragon Suplex. Yoshi-Hashi goes for the Western Lariat but Naito counters with a Destino. Naito doesn’t cover. Naito hits a second Destino for the pinfall.

WINNER: Tetsuya Naito (LIJ 2, CHAOS 0)

After the match, Taichi attacks Naito from behind and drags him off the stage.