Kazuchika Okada
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NJPW Road To New Beginning Results (2/6) Okada & Goto Attempt To Be Double Champions

MAIN EVENT IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Champions Los Ingobernables de Japon (EVIL & SANADA) vs. CHAOS (Hirooki Goto & Kazuchika Okada)

SANADA and Okada start the match. Okada gets the best of some chain wrestling and turns a wristlock into a hammerlock. SANADA gets a headlock but Okada powers into a top wristlock  and brings SANADA to the canvas. They wrestle to the ropes where SANADA blocks a gut kick with a Paradise Lock.

Back on their feet and Okada hits a tackle and a hiptoss. Goto tags in and they hit an Elbow/Senton combo on SANADA. Goto beats on SANADA and EVIL attacks from behind. Goto beats on EVIL in the corner but EVIL drops him with a clothesline. On the outside, everyone brawls. EVIL wraps a chair around Goto’s head and nearly caves in Goto’s skull. Okada and SANADA brawl into the crowd. EVIL uses the ring bell hammer on Goto and then rolls him back in the ring. SANADA slides in and stomps away on the NEVER Openweight Champ.

In the corner SANADA continues to maintain control. Goto fights out with vicious chops but SANADA floors him. EVIL tags in and works over EVIL’s shoulder. EVIL hits a bow and arrow stomp for two.

SANADA tags in and hits a chop block on Goto followed by a moonsault for two. Okada gets thrown into the ring barrier. Goto fights back against EVIL. EVIL blocks him and gets a two count. EVIL tries to battle Goto in the corner but they counter each other to center ring where Goto hits a lariat and tags in Okada who immediately eats an Elbow from EVIL. Okada comes back with a strike of his ownb and then hits a DDT for two.

Okada goes for the Air Raid Crash Neckbreaker but EVIL powers out. Okada tries again but EVIL fights out and hits a kick to Okada’s leg. SANADA tags in and hits huge Dropkick to Okada that sends him to the outside where he’s met with a slingshot Plancha by SANADA. Okada gets back in the ring. SANADA goes for a springboard but Okada dodges, attempts a TKO, but Okada fights out. SANADA goes for Skull End but it’s reversed into an Air Raid Crash Neckbreaker. Goto tags in.

Goto dominates SANADA with kicks in the corner and then a back suplex. Goto and Okada hit a series of strikes on SANADA and then Okada fights off EVIL. Goto goes for Ushiguroshi but SANADA counters. Goto locks in a Sleeperhold on SANADA. SANADA counters GTR and EVIL tags in. Okada hits a dropkick on EVIL but SANADA hits a TKO on Okada. Goto hits GTR on EVIL. Everyone is down.

SANADA and Goto exchange forearms on their knees. They fight to their feet. Goto pummels SANADA and then drops SANADA with a forearm. Goto throws SANADA into the corner but SANADA hits the Springboard Dropkick. EVIL tags in and clears the apron. EVIL hits a huge Clothesline for two.

EVIL and SANADA go for Magic Killer but Okada breaks it up. They both hit Ushiguroshi on LIJ. Goto goes for GTR but EVIL fights out. Headbutt from Goto, but a Superkick is blocked. EVIL blocks GTR with a Fisherman’s Buster.

EVIL hits Darkness Falls for two. EVIL goes for the STO but Goto fights out. EVIL hits a headbutt and then a lariat but Okada breaks the pin. SANADA hits Rainmaker on Okada. Magic Killer on Goto. EVIL hits the STO for the pinfall.

WINNERS AND STILL CHAMPIONS: Los Ingobernables de Japon


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