Rik Bugez WWE NXT Results
Design / Layout Credit: Bill Pritchard

NXT Results For 1/31: Roderick Strong vs Tyler Bate, TM61 Returns, Takeover Philadelphia Fallout

#1 Contender’s Match (UK Championship)
Roderick Strong vs Tyler Bate

Roddy with an early arm bar before Bate takes him down and applies a wristlock. Roddy comes back with a backbreaker for two, then they trade off on chops before Roddy gets a pendulum backbreaker for two. More chops before Roddy stomps Bate, then we get back from a break to see Bate fight out of a stretch submission. Bate catches Roddy with a sucker punch, then Bate knees him in the face and connects with a kneelift and a German suplex for two.

Bate kicks out of a backbreaker before connecting with a rolling kick, then he follows up with a lariat for two. Roddy comes back and hits a couple of kneelifts in the corner, then ends it with a inverted slam and End Of Heartache.

Winner – Roderick Strong

Check out highlights from tonight’s show on the next page! 


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