WWE Smackdown Live Results (1/30) Huge Tag Team Main Event, Number One Contender Match Set For Next Week!

Backstage, Styles walks into the locker room and says they need to come up with a game plan for tonight. Nakamura says “yes, he is going to be you at WrestleMania”. Styles goes, “what”? Nakamura says it again. Everytime Styles speaks Nakamura says he is going to beat Styles at WrestleMania. Styles asks Nakamura if he is messing with him. Nakamura says yes and laughs. Nakamura tells Styles to just listen to him out there tonight. Nakamura smiles and walks away. Styles is dumbfounded.

Backstage, Carmella tells Renee that what just happened was exactly how she planned it. She just wanted to remind Charlotte that she is still here… plus she has a broken nail so there is no way they could fight.

Tye Dillinger vs Baron Corbin

Corbin charges at Dillinger. Dillinger sends Corbin to the outside. Dillinger sends Corbin into the barricade. Dillinger sends Corbin back into the ring. Corbin decks Dillinger. Corbin tosses Dillinger out of the ring. Corbin whips Dillinger into the barricade, then the announce table. Corbin brings Dillinger back into the ring. Dillinger tries to fire up. Corbin hits the dipsy-doo clothesline for a near fall. Dillinger surprises Corbin with a clothesline. Dillinger picks up Corbin for the Tye Breaker. Corbin escapes and hits an axe bomber to the back of Dillinger’s head. Chokebreaker by Corbin. Corbin lands the End of Days for the win.

Winner- Baron Corbin


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