WWE NXT Takeover Phoenix Results

WWE NXT Takeover Philadelphia Results (1/27) All NXT Titles On The Line, Aleister Black And Cole Take It To The Extreme, And More!

Trevor “Ricochet” Mann is shown watching the show from the crowd.

Extreme Rules Match: Aleister Black vs Adam Cole

Cole and Black blast each other with elbows. Black kicks Cole in the head. Cole falls to the outside. Black does his patented feint dive into a backflip. Cole goes berserk and grabs a chair. Black sits with his legs cross in the ring, totally unbothered. Cole gets in the ring and swings the chair at Black. Black ducks, nips up and kicks Cole in the gut and grabs the chair. Cole ends up on the outside. Black sits in the chair in the ring. Black blast Cole with a running elbow on the outside. Cole kicks Black in the face. Cole pulls a bunch of weapons from under the ring. Cole sends Black chest first into the barricade. Both Black and Cole grab kendo sticks from under the ring. Black and Cole and Black have standoff in the ring. Black tosses his kendo stick. Cole tells Black he is stupid and takes a swing at him. Black avoids it and kicks Cole in the head.

Black goes for a springboard moonsault but Cole catches him in the gut in midair with the kendo stick. Cole hits Black in the back with the Kendo stick before choking Black with it. Cole hits a backstabber with the kendo stick for a near fall. Cole stomps Black. Cole sets up a table on the outside. Cole tries to suplex Black off the top but Black sends Cole off the top onto a trash can. Running knee by Black. Cole kicks out at two. Black sets up a table next to the table Cole set up. Black pulls a ladder from under the ring. AS Black tries to bring it into the ring Cole dropkicks it into Black. Cole sets up the ladder in the corner. Cole tries to suplex Black onto the ladder. Black counters and tries to do the same. Coles escapes and hits a leaping head kick. Black falls into the corner. 10 punch combo in the corner by Cole. Black turns around and lifts Cole into the electric chair. Black tosses Cole onto the ladder.



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