WWE Smackdown Live Results (1/23) Styles Takes On Owen And Zayn In The Same Night, Final Hype For The Royal Rumble!

Shinsuke Nakamura vs Baron Corbin

Corbin forces Nakamura into the corner. Corbin gives Nakamura a clean break. Nakamura and Corbin lock up. Corbin grabs a wrist lock. Nakamura flips out of it. Nakamura backs Corbin into the ropes. Nakamura tells Corbin to come one. Corbin charges in and gets kneed in the gut. Nakamura hits a leaping knee to Corbin’s face. Good vibrations by Nakamura. Corbin rolls out of the ring. Corbin tosses Nakamura back into the ring. Nakamura rolls back int the ring and tells Corbin to come on again. Corbin starts to walk away. Nakamura tries to being Corbin back into the ring bu Cobrin decks him. Corbin sends Nakamura throat first into the ring post.

After the break, Corbin has Nakamura in a modified neck lock. Nakamura fights to his feet. Nakamura drops Corbin with a straight kick to the chest. Running knee by Nakamura. Nakamura sits Corbin on the top rope. Running knee by Nakamura. Corbin kicks out. Nakamura sets up a reverse exploder. Corbin fights out of it. Corbin attempts a suplex. Nakamura turns it into a gourd buster. Nakamura tries the Kinshasa. Corbin counters it into the deep six. Corbin only gets a two count. Corbin dips out of the ring and runs back in and clotheslines Nakamura out of his boots. Corbin tries another pin but Nakamura somehow kicks out. Corbin tries the End of Days. Nakamura reverses it into a cross arm breaker. Nakamura calls for the Kinshasa. Nakamura charges but Randy Orton appears out of nowhere and RKOs Nakamura. Corbin gets to his feet and gets RKO’d as well.

Winner- Shinsuke Nakamura (DQ)


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