WWE Smackdown Live Results (1/9) Huge Handicap Match Main Event, More!

Two-On-Three Handicap Match: WWE Champion AJ Styles, Randy Orton, And Shinsuke Nakamura vs Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn

Orton almost hits the RKO on Owens. Owens rolls out of the ring. Orton attacks him from behind. Orton sends Owens back into the ring. As Orton gets in the ring Owens stomps him. Zayn and Owens beat Owens down in the corner. Orton clotheslines Zayn to retake control. Orton tags in Nakamura. Leaping knee by Nakamura. Nakamura floors Zayn with a spin kick. Nakamura lays in a few kicks to Zayn, followed by good vibrations. Nakamura tags in Styles. Zayn drives Styles into the corner. Owens tags in and works over Styles. Styles surprises Owens with a kip up head scissor. Basement elbow by Styles. Styles tries to set up the Styles Clash. Zayn pulls Owens out of the ring. Zayn and Owens try to leave the arena. Shane comes out and tells the referee to restart the match and there is now no count out. Styles and Orton run out of the ring and attack Owens and Zayn.

After the break, Zayn has Styles in a rear chin lock. Styles gets to his feet but Zayn drags him back down to the mat. Styles struggles to his feet again. Styles almost makes the tag but Zayn drags him all the way to the other side of the ring. Owens and Zayn take turns beating down Styles. Owens hits the ropes and runs right into the Ushigoroshi by Styles. Styles tags in Orton as Owens tags in Zayn. Orton power slams Zayn then hits the hangman’s DDT. Orton calls for the RKO. Owens runs into the ring and hits Orton with a chair to cause a DQ finish. Owens hits Nakamura with a chair as well.

Winners- AJ Styles, Randy Orton, And Shinsuke Nakamura

After the match, Shane comes back out and restarts the match with no rules.

No DQ Two-On-Three Handicap Match: WWE Champion AJ Styles, Randy Orton, And Shinsuke Nakamura vs Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn

Styles beats Owens into the backstage area with a chair. Nakamura and Orton chase Zayn around the ringside area. Nakamura whips Zayn into Orton, who hits Zayn with the ring steps. Nakamura and Orton toss Zayn over the announce table. Orton suplexes Zayn onto the announce table. Orton sends Zayn into the ring. Nakamura hits the Kinshasa. Orton RKOs Zayn for the win.

Winners- AJ Styles, Randy Orton, And Shinsuke Nakamura

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