impact wrestling

Details On This Week’s Impact Wrestling Teleconference With Eli Drake And Johnny Impact

Impact Wrestling issued the following media alert:


To kick off 2018, reigning Impact Global Champion Eli Drake and one of the top contenders for his title, Johnny Impact, will be the special guests, together, on the weekly IMPACT Wrestling Media Teleconference at 2pm ET on Thursday, January 4.

Drake and Impact will, no doubt, pull no punches in this no-holds-barred media session as this duo, and the entire IMPACT Wrestling roster, prepares for the much-anticipated Impact TV Tapings, set for Jan. 10-15, at The Impact Zone on the backlot of Universal Studios Florida.

Drake told the world that he would walk into Ottawa this past November as The Champion, and that he would leave Canada as The Champion.  He did just that.  But can he do the same in sunny Orlando, with Johnny Impact, Alberto El Patron and others gunning for the prestigious Impact Global Championship?

Plan your questions now as Eli Drake and Johnny Impact will deliver must-hear news and views.

Johnny Impact On His Impact Wrestling Run So Far, The Charm Of His Current Ring Name, Success Of Boone The Bounty Hunter

Here is the pertinent information:


  • Championship Gold – past, present and future;
  • Top 5 Dummies in the business;
  • Impact’s innovative offense;
  • How the stars celebrated the holidays and New Year’s Eve;
  • Does Chris Adonis give Drake an advantage against every opponent;
  • Traditions away from wrestling while in Orlando;
  • All-time favorite wrestlers for each.

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