WWE Smackdown Live Results (12/26) United States Title Tournament Begins, Styles Takes On Owens!

Backstage, The Ascension challenge the Bludgeon Brothers to a match next week… for Breezango.

Naomi vs Ruby Riott w/Sarah Logan and Liv Morgan

As soon as the bell ring Naomi and Riott tear into each other with rights and lefts. Riott takes Namoi down. Namoi hits the disaster kick. Logan and Morgan get on the apron to distract Naomi. Riott chop blocks Naomi, then hits the Riott kick for the win.

Winner- Ruby Riott

After the match, The Riott Squad beats down Naomi. Charlotte tries to make the save. The numbers game is too much. Riott hits the Riott kick on Charlotte. Natalya, Carmella, Tamina, and Lana hit the ring. The Riott Squad tries to leave but they end up getting the crap kicked out of them.

Backstage, Renee asks Styles how he is going to deal with Zayn being at ringside for his match against Owens. Styles says he will do the same thing he did against the Singh Brothers. It doesn’t matter what happens. Styles started 2017 as WWE Champion and he is going to end it as WWE Champion.