WWE Smackdown Live Results (12/26) United States Title Tournament Begins, Styles Takes On Owens!

The New Day vs Rusev Day vs Shelton Benjamin and Chad Gable

Gable, Woods, and English start the match off. Gable elbows English. Woods rolls up English. English kicks out. A huge brawl breaks out outside the ring. Woods clotheslines English out of the ring. Woods hits a topé con hilo onto everyone. Woods drags English back in the ring and attempts a pin. English kicks out. Big E. powerbombs Woods onto English for another near fall. New Day sets up Up Up Down Down but English counters. Big E. sets up a German on suplex on English. Gable runs up behind Big E. and German suplexes Big E. and English at the same time. Benjamin vertical suplexes Big E. Rusev tags in and stomps Big E. in the corner. Gable and Benjamin beat down Rusev and toss him out of the ring. Double high knee by Gable and Benjamin. Woods tags in and clears the ring. Honor Roll by Woods to Gable. Woods hits a rolling elbow on English for a near fall. Benjamin tosses English into Rusev. Spinebuster by Benjamin. Gable t-bone suplexes Woods. English comes out of nowhere and dropkicks Gable. English tags in Rusev. Rusev clears the ring with kicks and clotheslines. Big E. hits the ring and runs right into a wheel kick. Machka Kick to Gable. Rusev sets up a dive but Gable cuts him off. Gable hits the Chaos Theory on Rusev! English breaks up the pin. Woods and Big E. hit a combo uranage/backstabber for a near fall on Gable.

The New Day try Up Up Down Down again but Gable moves. Woods dives off the top into a knee to the face by Benjamin. Woods kicks out. Gable tries the Chaos Theory on English. English grabs Woods by the ponytail to stop from being suplexed. Woods dives throw the ropes and DDTs Gable. English dropkicks Gable. English hits his finish on Woods but Benjamin breaks up the pin. Benjamin and Gable try to suplex English off the top. Rusev saves his partner by powerbombing Gable and Benjamin off the top. English hits a frog splash. Gable kicks out. Rusev tries to crush but Woods cuts him off. Rusev kicks Woods in the head. Rusev puts Gable and Woods in the Accolade at the same time. Big E. spears Benjamin through the ropes. Big E. tries the Big Ending. Benjamin fights out of it. Big E. goes up top. Benjamin hits a running knee that rocks Big E. Benjamin pulls Big E. off the top in a powerbomb position. Gable dives off the top and clotheslines Big E. off Benjamin’s shoulders for the win.

Winners and NEW number one contenders, Chad Gable and Shelton Benjamin!


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