WWE Clash of Champions Results (12/17) All Titles On The Line, Shane & Bryan Controversy, New Champ, More

Styles drops Mahal with a clothesline. Basement elbow by Styles. Leaping corner clothesline by Styles. Styles tries to lift Mahal but can’t get him up. Mahal hits the ropes and runs right into the Ushigoroshi by Styles. Styles tries the Styles Clash. Mahal counters and kicks Styles in the gut. Flapjack by Mahal. Styles once again kicks out. Styles surprises Mahal with a northern lights suplex. Mahal manages to kick out. Styles tries another basement elbow. Mahal kicks Styles before he can land it. Mahal crushes Styles with Ryback’s old finish. Styles won’t stay down. Running big boot by Mahal. Styles looks to be out. Styles kicks out at 2.9!

Mahal tries to hit his finish off the top rope. Styles escapes and Pelé kicks Mahal. Styles pulls Mahal of the top rope. Styles lands a springboard 450. The Singh Brothers try to pull Mahal out of the ring. Styles dives over the top onto one of the Singh Brothers. Styles hits the other Singh Brother with the Styles Clash on the floor. Styles misses the Phoenominal Forearm. Mahal hits the Khallas. Styles kicks out. Mahal picks up Styles’ limb body and tries to set up his own version of the Styles Clash. Styles counters the attempted slap in the face into the Calf Crusher. Mahal tries to hold on but he can’t. Mahal taps out.

Winner and STILL WWE Champion, AJ Styles!

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