WWE Clash of Champions Results (12/17) All Titles On The Line, Shane & Bryan Controversy, New Champ, More

Enzuguri by Nakamura. Owens kicks out again. Shane has been fair so far, which is surprising. Nakamura rolls Owens into a flying triangle off the top rope. Bryan counts Nakamura’s shoulders down. Nakamura kicks out. Shane yells at Bryan. Superkick by Owens. Nakamura kicks out. Zayn tries to sneak in the Helluva kick. Nakamura gets a boot up. Zayn manages to stick Nakamura with the blue thunder bomb. Nakamura kicks out. Senton by Owens. Orton breaks up the pin. Shane and Bryan tell Orton to get out of the ring. Zayn and Shane get in each other’s face. Bryan pulls Zayn away. Owens tries a senton but Nakamura gets his knees up. Nakamura tags in Orton as Owens tags in Zayn. Fallaway slam by Orton. Zayn stuns Orton on the top rope. Zayn goes up top. Orton cuts him off and superplexes him to the mat. Owens pulls Orton out of the ring and sends him into the ring steps. Nakamura attacks Owens from behind. Zayn jumps on Nakamura.

Shane and Bryan try to regain order. Owens and Zayn clear off two off the announce tables. Shane accidentally hits Bryan in the eye. Owens frog splashes Nakamura through the announce table. Orton power slams Zayn. Hangman’s DDT by Orton. Orton calls for the RKO. Shane celebrates. RKO by Orton. Owens pushes Bryan into Shane to break up the pin. Shane yells at Bryan about it being three and how he ruined it. Owens tries to sneak up behind Orton but gets RKO’d. Zayn rolls up Orton in a small package. Orton reverses. Both Bryan and Shane are counting each attempted fall. Zayn school boys Orton and gets what should be a three count. Shane refuses to count the last count. Bryan and Shane get in each other’s face. Bryan tells Shane he is a disgrace. Zayn rolls up Orton again. Bryan quick counts Orton.

Winners- Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn