Naomi v Jimmy Uso: Superstar Impersonation Battle
WWE has released the following video on-line:
WWE Superstars Naomi and Jimmy Uso go head to head to see who can do a better recreation of the other’s entrance in the first episode of WWE’s Superstar Impersonation Battle.
Related: Naomi’s Babysitting Career Featured On WWE’s ‘My First Job’
Paige Records 1st Post-WWE Return Podcast
Paige has posted the following on Twitter noting that she recorded a podcast appearance for Lilian Garcia that will be released this Monday:
!!!!Guess what guys!!!! Gonna be hanging with @LilianGarcia today to do some podcast fun. will be released this Monday so make sure you go take a listen! Gonna be interesting for sure!
— PAIGE (@RealPaigeWWE) December 6, 2017
Pre-Sale Code For Rhode Island 205 Live Event
PWInsider.com is reporting that the pre-sale code for the January 19th 205 Live special event in Kingston, RI is “WWERYAN”.
The pre-sale began this morning and tickets can be purchased HERE