Earlier this morning renowned crime expert Paul Williams was a guest on Newstalk Breakfast and spoke about rumors that Conor McGregor’s safety may be in danger.
We have included a transcribed highlight from the interview (provided by Balls.ie) below.
I have to say about this, and I’m wearing my old, veteran crime reporter hat. Conor McGregor is in a very dangerous place at the moment. He has come into conflict through probably no fault of his own, with a group of very, very dangerous people who are tied up with the Kinahans. These people do not care who Conor McGregor is, what he stands for, how powerful he is, they will drag him down into the cesspit.
I would say, in the next 48 hours, if he still in the country – and I understand that he may have left the country – but if he is still in the country, I understand from my sources that the Garda will be approaching him to give him a GIM form, which is a Garda Information Message, to tell him that there may be threats to his safety. This is a huge story, and imagine what it would do to our reputation if this national sporting icon is attacked by a bunch of gangsters.