survivor series

WWE Survivor Series Results (11/19) Raw Battles Smackdown, Triple H Proves He Is Still The Cerebral Assassin, Strowman Makes His Mark!

Backstage, Stephanie McMahon gives the Raw Women’s team a pep talk.

Asuka, Bayley, Alicia Fox, Nia Jax, and Sasha Banks vs Natalya, Becky Lynch, Carmella, Tamina w/Lana, and Naomi

Fox and Lynch lock up. Fox pushes Lynch into the corner. Lynch pushes Fox. Fox lays into Lynch with rights and lefts. Fox yells that she is the captain. Lynch dropkicks Fox. Lynch stuns Fox on the top rope. Top rope leg drop by Lynch. Fox kicks out. Lynch tries to lock int the Dis-arm-her but Fox fights out of it. Bayley tags herself in. Lynch exploder suplexes Fox. Bayley runs into the ring and rolls up Lynch. Lynch has been eliminated!

Team Raw 5/ Team Smackdown 4

Natalya whips Bayley into the corner. Corner stomps by Natalya. Natalya brings Bayley into her corner. Tamina tags in and misses a corner clothesline. Front face lock by Bayley. Bayley tags in Asuka. Asuka lands a few kicks before tagging in Bayley. Tamina sends Bayley into the Smackdown corner. Bayley fights out of the corner and manages to stun Naomi on the second rope. Natalya and Carmella beat down Bayley. Carmella superkicks Bayley. Tamina hits the top rope splash. Bayley has been eliminated.

Team Raw 4/ Team Smackdown 4

Naomi and Tamina face off. Jax knocks Naomi off the apron, just because. Tamina knocks Asuka off the apron, just because. Jax and Tamina both headbutt each other. Neither can get an advantage. Jax splashes Tamina in the corner. Cannonball by Jax. Tamina kicks out. Tamina tries to Samoan drop Jax. It doesn’t work. Jax knocks Lana off the apron. Tamina superkicks Jax twice. Jax falls to the outside. Naomi splashes Jax. Tamina splashes Jax off the steps. Tamina gets back in the ring as the referee count to 10. Jax has been eliminated!

Team Raw 3/ Team Smackdown 4

Naomi hits a step-up enziguri. Naomi misses a split legged moonsault. Fox kicks Naomi in the face. Naomi rolls up Fox and gets a three count. Fox has been eliminated

Team Raw 2/ Team Smackdown 4

While Naomi is celebrating Banks puts Naomi in the Banks Statement. Noami taps out. Naomi is eliminated.

Team Raw 2/ Team Smackdown 3

Asuka tags in and hip attacks Carmella. Carmella kicks out. Carmella sends Asuka into the corner. Bronco buster by Carmella. Carmella does the moonwalk. Carmella slaps Asuka. Asuka shakes her head. Pop up knee by Asuka. Asuka hits the buzzsaw kick. Carmella is done. Carmella has been eliminated.

Team Raw 2/ Team Smackdown 2

Banks tags in. Banks and Asuka double suplex Natalya. Banks slaps the taste out of Natalya’s mouth. Discus clothesline by Natalya. Banks kicks out. Banks lands a few elbows and a dropkick. Double knee strike by Banks. Banks slaps on the Banks Statement. Tamina breaks up the pin. Natalya sends Banks head-first into the turnbuckle. Natalya puts Banks in the Sharpshooter. Banks almost gets to the ropes by Tamina knocks Asuka off the apron. Banks taps out.

Team Raw 1/ Team Smackdown 2

Tamina and Natalya beat down Asuka. Double suplex by the Smackdown team. Tamina body slams Asuka. Asuka kicks out. Tamina misses a splash off the top. Asuka locks in a running armbar. Tamina taps out.

Team Raw 1/ Team Smackdown 1

Natalya attacks Asuka. Natalya tries to locks in the Sharpshooter. Asuka counters into a kneebar. Natalya kicks her way out of it. Natalya misses a discus clothesline. Asuka almost decapitates Natalya with a spin kick. Asuka locks in the Asuka lock. Natalya taps.

Team Raw 1/ Team Smackdown 0

Winner- Team Raw. Sole Survivor, Asuka!

Raw 2- Smackdown 0


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