Impact Wrestling Results (11/16) Gail Kim Retires, oVe And LAX Go To War, Eli Drake Defends Against Petey Williams!

Six-Man Tag Match: oVe vs LAX

Shockingly, this match starts out in a huge brawl (lol). Callahan and Santana end up in the ring together. Santana floors Callahan after a back roll cutter. Jake gets in the ring and Death Valley Drivers Santana. Ortiz hits the ring and backbreakers Jake. Callahan grabs Ortiz and hits head, shoulder, and elbow. Homicide takes out Jake and Dave with a topé. Homicide blast Callahan with a steel chair. Homicide sets up the Gringo Killer. Callahan counters and low blows Homicide.

After the break, each team has actually made it to the apron. This match has officially started… wait, that match hadn’t started?! yikes. oVe takes turns working over Homicide in their corner. Homicide hits a bridging t-bone suplex for a two count. Callahan broke up the pin. oVe is brutalizing Homicide. They have cut the ring in half. Callahan tries a back suplex but Homicide makes the tag. Santana and Ortiz hit the ring and dropkick Jake and Dave. Santana splashes Jake off the top, then he and Ortiz hit the tower of a gringo cutter on Dave. Santana tries a walk up sliced bread but Jake counters into a tombstone complete with a head kick from Callahan. Santana kicks out. oVe set up the All Seeing Eye but Homicide breaks it up. LAX hits the Street Sweeper for the win!

Winners- LAX

After the match, Callahan throws chairs at LAX. Homicide beans Callahan in the head with a chair from the ring in hilarious fashion.

Did… Did I miss a memo or something? Are LAX the faces now? That entire match was built as if LAX were the faces. oVe got the heat on Homicide and Santana and Ortiz got the hot tag. The match itself was entertaining and extremely brutal but I (and I am sure most of you) are pretty confused about who we are supposed to be cheering here.



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