WWE RAW Results (11/13) Triple H Joins Team Raw, The Shield Challenges The New Day, Strowman Breaks Another Ring, Final Hype For Survivor Series!

Backstage, Angle asks if Jordan is ok. Angle says he doesn’t think Jordan can go. Angle needs Jordan at 100%, not 90%. Jordan says he needs this and deserves this. This is his big break… dad. Angle does his goofy old man face as we cut to the ring.

In Ring Segment: Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman

The crowd breaks out into dueling “suplex city” and “A-J-Styles” chants. Heyman says he is going to go through the four selling points for why we should all join the WWE Network for Survivor Series.

Selling point one: this is the first time the Univeral Champion has face the WWE Champion. This is the first time Brock Lesnar will step into the ring with AJ Styles. This may be the only time the two face each other, so if you want to see Styles vs Lesnar you have to watch this Sunday. Period.

Selling point two: Heyman himself wants to see Lesnar vs Styles. Heyman has seen Lesnar in the ring against people who are bigger and stronger. Heyman has never been in the ring with someone who could legitimately claim he is better than Lesnar. Styles has mastered something few have: speed. Speed kills.

Before we get to selling point three, someone seems to have gotten engaged in the crowd. Heyman says that the only reason she said yes is because she hasn’t been up close to a beast like Lesnar. Interrupting one of his promos is like stepping into the ring with Lesnar- you don’t have a chance.

Selling point three: Styles is the single most talented performer of this generation. Some may say that honor should go to Finn Bálor but they can fight that out amongst themselves. The only thing Styles has to do is come from behind and be the ultimate underdog. This Sunday Lesnar will make the declarative statement that he is the greatest most dominant champion ever.

Selling point four: if you want to see a Rocky movie come to life, you have to watch Styles. Sunday will be the ultimate Rocky movie… But this ain’t no movie. The WWE Champion is going to step into the ring and get victimized by the Universal Champion, Brock Lesnar.


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