Impact Wrestling Results (11/2) Huge Six Man Tag Team Main Event, Final Hype For Bound For Glory!

Backstage, LAX are playing dominos. Eli Drake and Chris Adonis walk in. Diamante tries to search Drake. Drake puts on a bandana (ugh) and makes a few stupid jokes. Adonis tries to give Konnan a plate of chips and guacamole. Drake says they can help each other. Konnan says they aren’t a team this is a one-night thing. If Drake helps them with oVe, they will help him with Johnny Impact. When this is done, they are coming for Drake’s title. Drake agrees.

X-Division Champion Trevor Lee w/ Kaleb Conley and Andrew Everett vs Dezmond Xavier vs Sonjay Dutt vs Petey Williams vs Garza Jr vs Matt Sydal

Lee rolls out of the ring as soon as the bell ring. Dutt follows Lee. Konley and Lee beat down Dutt. Williams tosses Xavier into the air and Xavier dropkicks Sydal. Garza Jr superkicks Xavier. Williams trips Garza Jr into the ropes. Dropkick to the back by Williams. Garza Jr stops Williams and rips off his pants. Garza Jr whips Williams into the rope but Williams dives through the ropes and takes our Lee. Sydal chin breakers and DDTs Xavier and Garza Jr at the same time. Lee hits the ring and attacks Sydal from behind. Lee crotches Dutt on the top rope. Sydal school boys Lee for a near fall. Lee whips Sydal into the corner hard.

After the break, Lee is working over Sydal. Dutt hits the ring and levels Lee with a kick. Running hurricanrana by Dutt. Dutt sends Lee to the outside. Dutt takes out Lee, Everett, and Konley with an Asai moonsault. Garza Jr picks up Williams. Xavier tries to hurricanrana him but Garza Jr holds Xavier and Williams at the same time. Garza Jr slams Williams and powerbomb Xavier. Double knees off the top by Sydal. Williams hits the Canadian Destroyer on Sydal. Xavier breaks up the pin. Xavier takes out half the field with a cartwheel topé to the outside. Konley and Everett attack Dutt. Lee lifts up Dutt and drops him with a sit-out powerbomb. Xavier surprises Lee with his backflip kick for the win!

Winner- Dezmond Xavier


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