Photo Credit: Bill Pritchard

KM Talks Plans For Bound For Glory, His Goals In Impact Wrestling, Being Called A ‘Douche Rocket’, Jeff Jarrett’s Departure From The Company

Impact Wrestling star KM (Kevin Matthews) recently spoke with Interactive Wrestling Radio; you can read a few excerpts as well as check out the full audio interview in the above player:

KM comments on his plans for Bound For Glory: 

“Well, I will be there. But, I will not be accompanying Sienna to ringside. She does not need me to beat 2, or 3, or 4, or 5 of the Impact Knockouts. I will be watching as my cousin, just like me, stays undefeated. Yes, we are undefeated. Don’t go looking at the tapes or old footage or the new app (Global Wrestling Network). We’re undefeated. I wouldn’t lie to you.”

KM on the creation of his “Don’t Call Me A Liar” vignettes: 

“That’s a little Dirty Dutch (Mantel) for you right there. He’s hands on. He basically pulls back the curtain, puts on the green light, and says “be yourself.” I mean, I was a nightmare student in school. I was thrown out of 3 schools. Suspended 13 times! I was a horrible kid! I got into so many fights. This character, if you want to call it a character, is just me, man! If I came out hugging babies, high fiving, smiling, and hamming it up… That’s a character! That wouldn’t feel comfortable. This, whew! This feels comfortable!”

KM responds to being called a douche rocket: 

“I had never actually heard of that term before. It is still up in there air who they were talking about because there were 3 people in the ring at the time. It is still up in the air! What’s a douche rocket? That’s not even a real thing. A flying douche? (laughs)” He adds, “You know that opening segment with me and Mr. Johnny Impact was the highest rated segment for Impact in the last 4 years? I’ll make a T shirt of it! I’ll make a nice T shirt of it calling myself a “Douche Rocket!” Hey, I’m all about the money! If that catches on and everyone starts calling me a “Douche Rocket”, don’t be surprised if that magically surfaces online and people are going to think they’re buying it to tak ea shot and make fun of me! Little do they know they’re buying it as I’m watching my Paypal go through the roof! (laughs) While I’m packing up their stupid shirts and mailing it to them. I’ll always have a leg up on everyone who thinks they’re slick.”

What are KM’s goals in Impact Wrestling?

“Good question! Well, I signed a 2 year contract in March. So, I have time! We’ll see. I need to hold some gold. Whether I last 2 years in this company or 10 or 20 or grow old… The rule of thumb in wrestling is everyone’s time will come at one time or another. Before it is all said and done, there are 2 major singles titles. Even though I’m a better high flyger than the entire X divison, I don’t really see myself as an X Division wrestler though you can find clips of me diving over the top rope, just throwing that out there. Or, if you’re lucky enough to catch a clip of Moose and myself at WrestlePro doing tilt-a-whirl hurricanranas, that’s the real thing. Not lying! There’s 2 titles out there. I’m going to get a hold of one of those belts. That is going to happen. Other than that? I’ve always lived my life taking things day by day and not really expecting too much. 2017 has been kind of a great year. I signed my contract with Impact, did a pay-per-view, been on national TV every week, went over to India, get to go over to Canada, dabbling in some movies and acting. It has been kind of fun! I didn’t expect any of this let alone for all this to happen this year alone!”

KM comments on Jeff Jarrett’s Impact Wrestling departure: 

“I don’t work behind the scenes. I hate to say it but I find out a lot of stuff through the Internet. However, I am closer to the Jarretts than a lot of people in the company. I did work with Jeff and GFW before it was associated with TNA and Impact. I did the very first GFW show in Tennessee against Moose all the way to Iowa, Virginia, Maryland, Carolina, Pennsylvania… I did a lot of shows. Jeff is the one who called me. When Mike Bennett bailed to go to WWE, they needed to finish that storyline. Jeff Jarrett is the one who called me on a Tuesday to be at TV on Thursday to come in with my cousin Sienna and finish that program off. My loyalty is to the Jarretts. You don’t really forget who helped you out. Would AJ Styles be where he’s at right now if Jeff didn’t give him that shot? I’m in Impact because of Jeff Jarrett. Literally soley because of Jeff. Jeff himself is the one who suggested me, called me, and booked me. It was hard when everything went down. I read it all online. Nobody told me. I found out online. I can’t say anything negative about the Jarretts. Everything I think and say about them is 1,000 percent positive.”


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