WWE RAW Results (10/30) Stephanie McMahon Rips Kurt Angle, Alexa Bliss Defends, Braun Strowman Destroys!

Kane vs Seth Rollins w/Dean Ambrose

Kane laughs at Rollins. Rollins decks Kane. Rollins hits the ropes but Kane floors him with a uppercut. Rollins falls to the outside. Rollins hits two baseball slides as Kane tries to get back in the ring. Rollins tries a suicide dive. Kane uppercuts Rollins through the ropes. Short arm clothesline by Kane. Rollins kicks out. Rollins stuns Kane on the top rope. Rollins kicks Kane in the knee. Rollins runs right into another uppercut by Kane. Kane splashes Rollins in the corner. Sidewalk slam by Kane. Rollins kicks out again. Rollins surprises Kane with a enziguri. Rollins takes Kane over with a blockbuster. Sheamus and Cesaro come down to ringside. Suicide dive by Rollins. Rollins tries another one but lands awkwardly on his head. Springboard clothesline by Rollins. Sheamus and Cesaro attack Ambrose on the outside. Rollins dives onto Sheamus and Cesaro. Rollins tries another springboard but Kane catches him by the throat. Kane chokeslams Rollins. It’s over.

Winner- Kane

After the match, Kane tries to attack Rollins again. Ambrose attacks Kane from behind and hits Dirty Deeds. Kane sits up. Sheamus and Cesaro hit the ring and jump on Ambrose. Kane Tombstones Ambrose. Rollins crawls to Ambrose to… shield… him (heh). Kane picks up Rollins and Tombstones him as well.

Backstage, Daniel Bryan is being loaded onto a stretcher by the medical staff.