Finn Bálor vs Cesaro w/Sheamus
Bálor locks in a side headlock. Cesaro tries to sends Bálor into the rope but Bálor holds on. Cesaro forces Bálor into the ropes to cause the break. Cesaro lays in a few shots to Bálor’s gut. Bálor hits the ropes but Cesaro takes Bálor over with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Cesaro works over Bálor’s gut with a few more stiff shots. European uppercut by Cesaro. Bálor tries to fire up but Cesaro floors him with a clothesline. Bálor sends Cesaro out of the ring. Baseball slide by Bálor. PK by Bálor. As Bálor is getting back in the ring Sheamus grabs Bálor’s leg. As Bálor is distracted Cesaro attacks Bálor from behind.
After a short break, Bálor catches Cesaro with the overhead kick. Cesaro climbs up top but Bálor kicks Cesaro off. Sheamus distracts Bálor again. Cesaro hits the Swiss death uppercut for another near fall. Deadlift superplex by Cesaro. Bálor kicks out. Cesaro locks in the sharpshooter. Bálor almost gets to the ropes. Cesaro transitions into the crossface. Bálor counters into a standing double foot stomp. Slingblade by Bálor. Bálor tries to go up top but Sheamus gets on the apron. Bálor kicks Sheamus in the back of the head. Bálor back body drops Cesaro over the top rope. Topé con hilo by Bálor. Cesaro rolls back into the ring. Bálor double foot stomps the back of Cesaro’s head for the win.
Winner- Finn Bálor
After the match, Kane attacks Bálor on the stage. Kane Tombstones Bálor on the stage.
We spoke too soon. #RAW @KaneWWE @FinnBalor
— WWE (@WWE) October 31, 2017