WWE RAW Results (10/30) Stephanie McMahon Rips Kurt Angle, Alexa Bliss Defends, Braun Strowman Destroys!

Intercontinental Championship Match: The Miz (c) w/Bo Dallas and Curtis Axel vs Matt Hardy

Hardy school boys Miz and gets a near fall. Hardy almost hits the Twist of Fate but Miz escapes. Miz attempts a hip toss but Hardy turns it into a backslide for another near fall. Miz begs off. Miz sends Hardy out of the ring by his tights. Dallas and Axel surround Hardy on the outside. Miz misses a baseball slide. Hardy manages to get back in the ring to avoid Dallas and Axel. After the break, Hardy lands the ten punches in the corner. Miz crotches Hardy on the top rope. Hangman’s neck breaker for a near fall by Miz. Miz puts Hardy in a rear chin lock. Hardy gets to his feet.

Hardy fights out but Miz fells Hardy with another neck breaker. Miz slingshots Hardy throat first into the bottom rope. Hardy gets his arm on the bottom rope to break the pin. Hardy rolls into the corner. Miz lands two running dropkicks. Miz goes up top and dives off. Hardy catches Miz and almost hits the side effect. Miz counters. Hardy slams Miz’s head into each turnbuckle. Corner clothesline followed by a running bulldog by Hardy. Miz kicks out at two. Hardy drops an elbow off the second rope to the back of Miz’s head. Hardy goes back up top and hits a diving elbow drop. Hardy calls for the Twist of Fate but Miz counters into a Skull Crushing Finale attempt. Hardy reverses it into the side effect for another near fall. Hardy hits Miz with a picture perfect moonsault off the top. Miz STILL kicks out! Miz misses the “It” kick. Hardy blast Miz with the Twist of Fate. Miz rolls out to the apron. Hardy tries to being Miz back into the ring. Miz snaps Hardy’s neck on the top rope. Miz hits the Skull Crushing Finale for the win.

Winner and STILL Intercontinental Champion, The Miz!

Backstage, Alexa Bliss walks into Angle’s office. Bliss congratulates Angle for being team captain of Team Raw. Bliss says she can help Angle. Angle should cut some of the dead weight from the Raw women’s division, starting with Mickie James. They can easily replace James with anyone from the Mae Young Classic… in fact, they could probably just dig up Mae. Angle looks at Bliss like she has 17 heads. Last week, when Raw was under siege Bliss, was standing off tot he side. James was in the thick of things fighting for team Raw. Tonight, Bliss will defend the Raw Women’s title against James.




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