WWE RAW Results (10/30) Stephanie McMahon Rips Kurt Angle, Alexa Bliss Defends, Braun Strowman Destroys!

In the parking lot, Angle tries to apologize to Stephanie again. Stephanie tells Angle that she meant what she said. If Angle doesn’t believe her, he can go ask Mick Foley. A limo pulls up and Miz, Curtis Axel, and Bo Dallas get out of it. Angle tells Miz that Stephanie put the entire Raw roster on notice and names Angle team captain. Miz is livid. How does Angle get rewarded for being a bad GM. Angle tells Miz to shut up. Angle asks where Miz was when Raw was under attack. Angle calls Miz a coward and says he doesn’t want anyone he can’t depend on representing Raw. Miz is going to defend the IC title tonight. Miz asks against who? Angle says if Miz was on time tonight he would know.

Alicia Fox vs Bayley

As Fox walks to the ring she is wearing a Captain hat and talking as if she is on an airplane PA system. Fox says as captain she doesn’t have time to have a match with Bayley. Fox has found a suitable replacement…

Bayley vs Nia Jax

Bayley lands a few strikes before Jax tosses Bayley out of the ring. Jax tosses Bayley back in the ring. Bayley baseball slides Jax off the apron. After the break, Jax is working a rear chin lock on Bayley. Bayley gets to her feet but Jax tosses Bayley clear across the ring. Jax splashes Bayley in the corner twice. Bayley falls like a sack of bricks. Jax goes for a Bonzai drop but Bayley pushes Jax to the outside. Bayley dives onto Jax. As Jax tries to get in the ring Bayley knees Jax in the face then hits a second rope stunner for a near fall. Bayley puts Jax in a guillotine choke. Jax pushes Bayley away. Jax flattens Bayley with a running rolling senton, followed by a leg drop for the win.

Winner- Nia Jax

After the match, Fox tells Jax she is Fox’s first pick for team Raw. Jax agrees. As Jax is walking up the ramp, Samoa Joe’s music hits. Jax and Fox look confused. Joe makes a b-line for the ring.




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