WWE NXT Results (10/25) Huge NXT Women’s Title Qualifier Battle Royal, Almas Battles Strong!

Andrade “Cien” Almas w/Zelina Vega vs Roderick Strong

Almas elbows Strong in the face. Shoulderblocks by Almas. Strong trips Almas and locks in a side headlock. Almas tries to fire up but ends up getting destroyed by a backbreaker. Almas and Strong battle out to the apron. Almas reverse DDTs Strong on the apron. After a short break. Almas traps Strong in a rope hang cross arm breaker. Almas charges at Strong but Strong sends Almas out of the ring. Almas runs back into the ring. Almas and Strong trade strikes. Almas sends Strong into the ropes. Leapfrog into a dropkick by Strong. Pop-up gutbuster by Strong. Strong tries to splash Almas in the corner but Almas gets a boot up. Almas tries another ope hang cross arm breaker but Strong turns it into a rope assist Strong Hold. Almas back body drops Strong out to the apron. Head kick by Strong. Stong pulls Almas to the apron.

Strong back suplexes Almas on the apron. Strong sits Almas on the top rope. Almas kicks Strong then hits a tornado reverse DDT. Strong kicks out. Strong tries a tiger driver but Almas counters and hits a back elbow. Strong falls into the corner. Almas hits the running double knee strike. Strong kicks out. Almas sets up the hammerlock DDT but Strong escaped. Almas unloads on Strong with elbow after elbow. Strong falls into the corner again. Almas attempts his running double knee strike again but Strong caught him with a leaping knee. Angle Slam by Strong. Strong clotheslined Almas over the top rope. Wrecking ball dropkick by Strong. Strong tosses Almas back into the ring. Vega hops onto the apron and hits a diving hurricanrana on Strong. Strong is sent face first into the ring steps! Almas brings Strong back into the ring and hits the Hammerlock DDT for the win.

Winner- Andrade “Cien” Almas

After the match, Vega goes over to the commentary desk and tells McIntyre that Almas will meet him in the ring next week.

As Strong is laying in the ring, The Undisputed Era hits the ring. Adam Cole tells Strong he should join them. Cole hands Strong an Undisputed Era armband. The Undisputed Era leaves the ring. Cole tells Strong to think about it.

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