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13 Things You Need To Know About WWE TLC, The Shield vs Kane & The New Age Outlaws (Full Match)

13 Things You Need To Know About WWE TLC (Video)

In case you were in need of a TLC fix ahead of tomorrow night’s event, fan favourite Cathy Kelley is on hand to give you 13 facts about the infamous match stipulation. The pay per view, which is considered to be one of WWE’s ‘gimmick’ shows, will only feature one TLC match which will be the only ‘special’ bout on the card.

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The Shield vs Kane & The New Age Outlaws

Prior to TLC 2017, WWE has uploaded the three-minute squash between The Shield and Kane & The New Age Outlaws from back at WrestleMania 30. The company were probably planning on uploading this in order to promote The Shield’s big in-ring return, but the removal of Roman Reigns from the match makes this a tough pill to swallow for fans of The Hounds of Justice.