Sting Comments On The Popularity Of His ‘Crow’ Persona, WWE Recognizing WCW History, Dream Match w/ Undertaker, Fan Loyalty

Sting recently spoke with William Mullally for Al Arabiya English while promoting the WWE 2K18 video game; you can check out some transcribed highlights below:

Sting comments on why he sticks to the ‘Crow’ look for his character today: 

Yeah, Surfer-Sting went to a certain level on a global basis and The Crow character surpassed that, you know? Especially through the Monday night wars, social media, all of a sudden, the internet, the whole package caused that to become what it became. Bigger than any other Sting persona.

Sting comments on WWE ‘reconciling’ history with WCW and bringing back War Games and Starrcade: 

Yeah it’s funny too. I don’t think I’ve ever heard the word ‘reconciled’ used, but that’s a good word. When you said ‘reconciled’ I instantly thought of the match I had with HHH at Levi Stadium at WrestleMania in California with the NWO and D-Generation X. Everybody in the ring at the same time, on the same night—that’s something that no one in the world ever believed could happen and it happened. In a sense it was almost a reconciliation that happened that night.

Sting reveals he had a brief conversation with Undertaker about a match together: 

We’ve had a brief conversation, and I just told him, I said, man, I just always wanted to have that match. It wasn’t necessarily reciprocated so I’m not sure where he stands or if he had any interest at all, to be quite honest. But I did. I don’t mind saying.

Sting comments on how fan reaction and treatment has gotten better over the years: 

I don’t know how or why but it seems that wrestling fans are more respectful than ever. More loyal than ever. They just don’t want to say goodbye. They don’t want to say goodbye to Hulk Hogan. They don’t want to say goodbye to Shawn Michaels, to Stone Cold Steve Austin, to Sting. Just loyal fans. I think they’ve always been that way but there’s just something that seems to be—I think it’s because there’s more interaction with wrestlers and fans now than there’s ever been. Maybe that’s what it is, but they’re very respectful.


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