WWE NXT Results (10/18) Women’s Title Qualifiers Continue, The Undisputed Era Battles SAnity In The Main Event!

Six Man Tag Match: The Undisputed Era vs SAnity

Fish kicks Wolfe in the leg. Fish tries it again but Wolfe catches Fish’s foot. Wolfe decks Fish. Fish tags in O’Reilly. Wolfe picks up O’Reilly and toss him clear across the ring. Young tags in and hits an elbow. Dain is in. Dain splashes O’Reilly in the corner. Running elbow by Wolfe. Fish distracts Young long enough for O’Reilly to land a flurry of strikes. Fish sends Young into the corner. Young grabs Cole by the throat Fish kicks Young in the back of the head. Young falls to the outside. After a short break, Cole is raining down punches on Young. Cole, Fish, and O’Reilly take turns working over Young. Double suplex by Fish and O’Reilly. O’Reilly knocks Wolfe off the apron with a running boot. O’Reilly charges at Young but Young moves out of the way.

O’Reilly crashes into the corner. Young crawls to tag in Dain. Fish cuts Young off but Young escapes and tags in Dain. Dain clear the ring. Dain blast O’Reilly with a front dropkick. Dain lands on Fish in a senton. Dain Samoan drops O’Reilly and fall away slams Fish at the same time. Senton splash by Dain. Dain hits a Vader Bomb on Fish but Cole breaks up the pin. Young and Wolfe hit a leaping neck breaker/back suplex combo on O’Reilly.  Fish and O’Reilly are down so Cole is all alone. SAnity surrounds Cole. Dain brings Cole back into the ring by his head. Young, Wolfe, and Dain set Cole up in what looked to be a double powerbomb/leg drop combo. Before SAnity can hit their finish, The Authors of Pain’s music hits. The AoP and Paul Ellering storm down to ringside. Wofle runs right into a big boot by Rezar. Young dives through the ropes but Akam sends Young into the ramp face first. Akam and Rezar double team Dain then hit the Supercollider on Wolfe and Young. Ellering hands Akama and Rezar the tag titles as Cole, Fish, and O’Reilly look on in terror.

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