Fatal Five-way (Elimination?) Match (Winner Will Face Asuka at TLC): Sasha Banks vs Emma vs Dana Brooke vs Bayley vs Alicia Fox
Emma backs up and watches everyone else fight. Brooke drives Banks into the barricade. Fox takes out Bayley. Emma and Brooke team up and beat down Fox in the corner. Brooke quickly turns on Emma. Brooke lands cartwheel elbows on both Emma and Fox. Bayley hits the Bayley-to-Belly on Brooke. Bayley pins Brooke. Brooke has been eliminated. Wait, when did this become an elimination match? Fox hits the ax kick on Bayley. Bayley is done. Bayley is eliminated. Fox and Emma are working over Banks. Emma rolls up Fox. Fox goes nuts and attacks Emma. Banks double dropkicks Fox and Emma. Banks takes Fox over with spinning head scissors. Running double knees by Banks. Banks sends Emma into Fox. Banks locks in the Banks Statement on Fox. Fox taps out. Fox has been eliminated. Emma grabs Banks and rolls her up for the win!
“Winner”- Emma
Backstage, Bálor tells Renee Young that he was convinced that Wyatt had lost his mind. After seeing what happened tonight, Bálor is afraid Wyatt has unleashed something truly terrible. Bálor says he knows what he has to do now.
Backstage, Kalisto tells Charlie that he was inspired by Eddie Guerro and Rey Mysterio. Watching Enzo with is a disgrace to all of them. Kalisto is going to try to make them proud by becoming the new champion.