Cruiserweight Championship Lumberjack Match: Enzo Amore (c) vs Kalisto
Enzo kicks Kalisto in the gut. Enzo locks in a side headlock. Kalisto tries to fight out of it. Enzo floors Kalisto with a shoulder block. Kalisto misses a leg sweep. Enzo struts. Kalisto knocks Enzo to the outside. the Lumberjacks stare at him menacingly. Dropkick by Kalisto. Drop toe hold by Kalisto. Kalisto transition into a front chancery. After the break, Enzo walks into a head kick by Kalisto. Kalisto hits a crossbody off the top for a near fall. Enzo rolls to the outside. The lumberjacks toss Enzo back into the ring. Enzo trips Kalisto into the corner. Kalisto hits his head on the turnbuckle. Enzo dumps Kalisto to the outside. Gallagher and Kendrick stomp Kalisto.
Alexander makes the save. Enzo beats down Kalisto. Kalisto kicks Enzo in the knee sliding hurricanrana by Kalisto for a near fall. Standing stomp by Enzo. Enzo takes a cheap shot at Ali. Daivari pulls Ali off the apron. A huge brawl breaks out. Kalisto superplexes Enzo off the top to the outside onto all the Cruiserweights. Enzo rolls back into the ring. Kalisto follows. Kalisto sets up his finish. Enzo counter and hits JawdonZo. Enzo goes for a pin but Ali pulls Enzo out of the ring. Enzo clotheslines Ali. Enzo goes up top but Kalisto cuts him off. Kalisto hits an avalanche Salida del Sol for the win!
Winner and NEW Cruiserweight Champion, Kalisto!
The era of @real1 is OVER as @KalistoWWE captures the @WWE #Cruiserweight Championship on #RAW! #205Live
— WWE (@WWE) October 10, 2017
Kalisto as Cruiserweight Champ feels kinda right. Or is it just me? #WZRaw
— Luis Suarez (@Rico_Zmooth) October 10, 2017
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