Dillinger tosses Styles high in the air for a back body drop. Dillinger tries a superplex. Styles counters and slams Dillinger’s head into the turnbuckle. Dillinger surprised Styles with a rolling knee for a near fall. Dillinger sets up the Tye Breaker. Styles counters into the Styles Clash. Dillinger rolls through to escape it. Styles slaps on the Calf Crusher. Dillinger can’t get to the ropes. Corbin grabs Dillinger’s hand and pulls him out of the ring. Styles launches himself over the top rope into an elbow on Corbin. Styles picks up Corbin. Corbin sends Styles into the ring post. Corbin gets int he ring and walks right into a small package by Dillinger. Corbin kicks out. Dillinger tires a few more pin attempts before eating the Deep Six from Corbin. Styles tries to land the Phoenominal Forearm but Corbin grabs him by the throat. Corbin takes Styles off the top rope into a chokeslam backbreaker.
After a strike exchange Dillinger superkicks Corbin. Styles hits the Pelé on Dillinger and Dillinger falls on top of Corbin! Corbin kicks out. Corbin tries a running shoulder block in the corner but Styles moves. Styles lands the springboard 450 on Corbin. Dillinger breaks up the pin. Styles hit the Phenomenal Forearm on Dillinger. Corbin runs in the ring, botches kicking Styles out of the ring, then pins Dillinger.
Winner and NEW United States Champion, Baron Corbin!
HE’S DONE IT! @BaronCorbinWWE is your NEWWW #USChampion! #HIAC pic.twitter.com/3OAyVPtemb
— WWE (@WWE) October 9, 2017
Congrats @BaronCorbinWWE from #ATGMBR winner a year ago, to #USChamp today #WZHIAC
— Luis Suarez (@Rico_Zmooth) October 9, 2017