WWE RAW Results (9/25) The Miz Makes A Statement, Enzo’s Title Celebration Doesn’t Go As Planned, And Much More!

Dean Ambrose vs Braun Strowman

Strowman chases Ambrose around the ring. Ambrose lands a few strikes but Strowman pushes Ambrose to the mat. Strowman starts attacking Ambrose’s injured shoulder. Strowman slams Ambrose into the corner. Ambrose stumbles forward, slaps Strowman int he face then collapses to the mat. Strowman stomps Ambrose. Strowman picks up Ambrose for the running power slam. Ambrose counters and locks in a sleeper. Strowman breaks the holds. Ambrose tries to fire up. Strowman headbutts Ambrose. Ambrose takes two steps and collapses once again. Strowman tries to pin Ambrose with a foot to the chest. Ambrose kicks out.  Ambrose fires up again, but Strowman floors him with a body block. Ambrose falls to the outside.

Strowman tosses Ambrose into the barricade. Ambrose pokes Strowman in the eye. Ambrose jumps off the barricade and knees Strowman in the back. Strowman is sent flying into the ring post. Strowman gets back in the ring. Strowman rushes Ambrose but Ambrose pulls low bridges the top rope. Strowman falls to the outside but he lands on his feet. Ambrose dives through the ropes but Strowman catches him. Ambrose somehow manages to DDT Strowman on the floor. Strowman is almost counted out. Ambrose tries a few clotheslines but there was little to no effect on Strowman. Strowman misses a running shoulder block in the corner. Ambrose goes up top and dives off. Strowman catches Ambrose and running power slams him for the win!

Winner- Braun Strowman



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