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They present this PPV weekend of Chair Shot Reality and this video is all about John Cena vs Roman Reigns. Here’s a sample of what was said.
Juice Springsteen: I think Roman has to win here. John Cena’s had the upper hand in all of these promos. It’s been great. Craved roman out. Build up has been great. In the ring Roman has to get the victory and Cena has been putting people over. Roman wins clean, maybe some heel tactics. Cena goes away.
Justin LaBar: I agree mostly Roman gets the victory and it wouldn’t make sense for Cena to win. If Cena wins this then I think it might be fair to interpret that there is some doubt from management on Reigns but I don’t think we see that.
For more in this video including what has to happen at the end of the match, watch below: