WWE RAW Results (9/18) Strowman Makes a Statement, Six-Pack Challenge for a Shot at the IC Title, Final Hype for No Mercy!

Elias sings a song about Jason Jordan and everyone in San Jose being underachievers. The Hardy Boyz cut him off.

Intercontinental Championship Number One Contenders Six Pack Challenge: Jeff Hardy vs Matt Hardy vs Jason Jordan vs Bo Dallas w/The Miz vs Curtis Axel vs Elias

The bell rings a brawl breaks out. Jeff beats down Axel in one corner as Matt stomps on Dallas in the other. Jordan dropkicked Elias out of the ring. Jeff rolls up Matt for a two count. Matt gets up and Jeff tells him it’s all fair. After a short break, neck breaker by Matt for a near fall. Elias destroys Jordan with a backbreaker. Elias, Axel, and Dallas stomp Matt in the corner. Elias tries to super plex Jordan. Jordan knocks Elias off. Elias jumps from the ring to the top rope. Elias gets dumped to the outside. Tower of Doom super plex by the Hardyz to everyone. Poetry in motion by the Hardyz. Matt schoolboys Jeff, but Jeff rolls through. Matt blast Jeff with the side effect. Dallas and Axel send Matt into the ring post. Jordan gets in the ring and suplexes Dallas and Axel.  Double northern lights by Jordan to Axel. Dallas tosses Jordan out of the ring. Miz slams Jordan into the barricade then tosses him into the crowd. Matt hits the Twist of  Fate but Elias breaks up the pin. Elias takes Matt out with Drift Away. Jeff breaks up the pin. Jeff clears the ring and Swantons Axel. Miz gets in the ring and breaks up the pin. Axel facebusters Jeff. Jordan sneaks in the ring and hits his finisher on Axel for the win.

Winner and NEW Number One Contender for the Intercontinental Championship, Jason Jordan!

After the match, Miz gets in the ring and claps for Jordan. Miz takes a swing at Jordan. Jordan ducks and tosses Miss clear across the ring with a belly-to-belly suplex. Miz gets to his feet just to eat another belly-to-belly. Dallas and Axel attack Jordan. Skull Crushing Finale by Miz. Mis grabs a mic and gets in Jordan’s face. Miz says after Sunday he will still be the champion, Angle will still be a terrible father, and Jordan will still be a bastard.

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