WWE RAW Results (9/11) Strowman Destroys Cena and Lesnar, Miz and Enzo Shoot, More!

The Hardy Boyz, Dean Ambrose, and Seth Rollins vs Anderson, Gallows, Cesaro, and Sheamus

As soon as the bell rings a brawl breaks out. As the ring clears, Jeff double legs Cesaro and leg drops him low. Matt tags in and eats an uppercut from Cesaro. Sheamus tags in and picks up Matt for a slam. Matt counter and attempts the Twist of Fate. Matt sends Sheamus over the top rope. Cesaro sprints towards Matt but Matt sends him to the outside as well. The Hardy Boyz hit poetry in motion over the top rope onto Cesaro and Sheamus. After a short break, Anderson sends Ambrose over the top rope. Ambrose hooks the top rope and lands on the apron. Cesaro tries to attack him but Ambrose strikes Cesaro first. Ambrose turns around and gets obliterated by a big boot from Gallows. Gallows stomps Ambrose in the corner. Sheamus tags himself in. Sheamus and Cesaro kick Ambrose in the gut. Sheamus and Cesaro double clothesline Ambrose, then pose. The heels trap Ambrose in their corner and take turns beating Ambrose down. Back suplex/neck breaker combo by Anderson and Gallows.

Cesaro puts Ambrose in a rear chin lock. Ambrose fights out of it. Ambrose tries to backslide Cesaro but Cesaro powers out of it. Cesaro and Sheamus land white noise DDT off the top combo. Anderson and Gallows sends Matt into the barricade. Anderson tries to suplex Ambrose. Ambrose reverses it into a Dirty Deeds attempt. Anderson avoids it. Swinging neck breaker by Ambrose. Before Ambrose can tag in Jeff Gallows boots Jeff off the apron. Ambrose almost tags in Rollins but Cesaro grabs him from behind. Ambrose back body drops Cesaro over the top rope. Ambrose finally tags in Rollins. Rollins drop kicks Gallows off the apron. Top rope block buster by Rollins. Rollins dives to the outside and takes out Gallows. Superkick to Anderson. Jeff hits the Twist of Fate on Gallows. Matt hits his twist of fate on Gallows. Sheamus and Cesaro walk up the ramp and leave Gallows and Anderson in the ring. Rollins ripcord knees Anderson and Ambrose lands Dirty Deeds for the win.

Winners- Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, and The Hardy Boys

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