WWE Smackdown Results (9/5): Randy Orton vs Shinsuke Nakamura #1 Contender’s Match, Shane McMahon Hits Breaking Point w/ Kevin Owens, More

Backstage Segment

James Ellsworth begs Carmella to give him a second chance, and promises that he’ll keep his mouth shut and do what he’s told. Carmella tells him to shut up, and says that from now on they do things her way. She then gives him a kiss so uncomfortable that it made Voldemort hugging Draco look natural, slapped him across the face, and they left together.

Randy Orton vs. Shinsuke Nakamura

The two lock up to start the match and Nakamura shoots behind and tries to grapple him down to the mat. Orton tries for an early RKO but comes up empty, and things go back to square one. Shinsuke backs him into the ropes and tries to play some mind games, but that’s not going to work against the Viper who immediately shuts it down and sends his opponent to the floor.

After a commercial break Jinder Mahal is shown watching the main event from his sky box atop the arena. Orton is in total control after bouncing him off the top rope, but Nakamura fires back with stiff right hands to send him reeling. They brawl to the apron and the Viper looks for a Hangman’s DDT to the floor, but it’s blocked and he has to settle for a back suplex on top of the announce table. They slow things down for several minutes until the Artist rallies back with a series of dropkicks. He sets in with big kicks to the midsection and lines up for the running knees on the top turnbuckle, connecting. Nakamura climbs the turnbuckles looking to fly, but Orton catches him with a huge suplerplex sending them both crashing back to earth. It looks to be over but Shinsuke yells at his opponent to bring it in a defiant display, then fires off with brutal knees to the skull over and over again. He lines up for the Kinshasa but Orton counters with a snap powerslam, picking up a two-count. He sets up for the Hangman’s DDT a second time, and this time it connects. It’s time for the RKO, but Nakamura counters OUT OF NOWHERE into a cross armbar submission! Orton frantically tries to fight out of it but it’s transitioned into a triangle choke. It looks to be over as the Viper is fading, but Randy summons his strength and hoists his opponent into the air, slamming him down hard. Nakamura lands a knee to the back of the neck, then backs up and delivers the Kinshasa. 1…2…3.

Winner: Shinsuke Nakamura

– The show ends with Kevin Owens backstage, as Daniel Bryan tries to tell him that things are over and Shane has been suspended. Owens says that things are just getting started, and next week he’s going to make Bryan’s life a personal hell and a living nightmare. D-Bry informs him that next week Vince McMahon will be here to deal with KO himself.


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