WWE RAW Results (8/28) Contract Signing Between Cena and Reigns, Raw Women’s Title on the Line, And More!

Cena says he doesn’t have a shovel the fans control what happens here. Cena says he doesn’t hold anyone down. He hasn’t main evented WrestleMania in five years and he was the opening match of SummerSlam. If Reigns wants to blame Cena, fine. Cena blames Reigns. The reason Cena is still here is because Reigns cant do his damn job. Reigns should be ashamed Cena is part time. Why? Because Cena can do this better part time better than Reigns could ever do it full time. Reigns signs the contract. Reigns throws the table across the ring. Luke Gallows and Anderson walk out and says they are going to beat up Cena and Reigns for no real reason other than what else are they going to do with Reigns and Cena at this point.

Roman Reigns and John Cena vs The Club

After the break Gallows is working a side headlock on Cena. Cena almost makes it to Reigns but Gallows holds him back. Cena breaks away and attacks Anderson. Gallows and Anderson beat down Cena. Spine buster by Anderson for near fall. Gallows misses an elbow drop. Cena crawls towards Reigns and gets the tag. Anderson tags in as well. Multiple clotheslines by Reigns. Gallows gets back in the ring and eats a clothesline as well. Reigns hits the drive by on Gallows, then a running big boot to Anderson. Reigns hits a Superman punch. Cena hits the ring and picks up Anderson for the AA. Reigns Spears Gallows as Cena hits the AA for the win.

Winners- Roman Reigns and John Cena


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