GFW Impact Results (8/24): A Gauntlet for the Gold to Crown a New GFW Champion, And More!

Entrant #13: Johnny Impact (Morrison/Mundo)

Impact hits the C4 on EC3, then a head kick on Suicide. Impact clotheslines Adonis out of the ring.

Chris Adonis has been eliminated.

Impact scissors Suicide out of the ring!

Suicide is eliminated.

Entrant #14: Garza Jr.

Garza Jr. dives into the ring and dropkicks Impact. Garza Jr. goes to rip off his pants but Sutter tries to stop him. Garza Jr. kicks Sutter in the head and Sutter is sent out of the ring.

Braxton Sutter is eliminated.

Entrant #15: Fallah Bahh

Bahh hits the ring and obliterates everyone.

Entrant #16: KM

Km tries to force Edwards over the top. Edwards holds on. Impact and EC3 battle out on the apron.

Entrant #17: Taiji Ishimori

KM and Ishimori battle in the corner. Impact attacks KM from behind.

Entrant #17: Bobby Lashley

Lashley tosses KM out of the ring. Lashley grabs Bahh and tosses him out as well. Ishimori attacks Lashley. Lashley dispatches Ishimori with ease.

KM, Ishimori and Fallah Bahh have been eliminated.

Entrant #19: Moose

Moose splashes EC3 and Fantasma in the corner. Garza Jr. rips off his pants, throws them in the air, and as Moose looks up, superkicks him. Garza Jr. tries a hurricanrana but Moose counters and power bombs Garza Jr. out of the ring/

Garza Jr. has been eliminated.


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