GFW Impact Results (8/24): A Gauntlet for the Gold to Crown a New GFW Champion, And More!

Entrant #7: EC3

EC3 tells Justice that they should team up and throw everyone out. Justice tries to shake his hand but EC3 kicks Justice in the balls. EC3 tosses Justice out of the ring… much like Donald… err… nevermind.

Richard Justice has been eliminated.

Entrant #8: Kongo Kong

Kong destroys everyone in sight. Bokara hits the ropes and runs right into Kong’s fist. Kong tosses out Bokara and Kingston

Mario Bokara and Eddie Kingston have been eliminated.

Everyone jumps on Kong.

Entrant #9: Suicide

Suicide does the Suicide dive into the ring onto everyone. Suicide drops Drake into a seated atomic drop. Kong floors Suicide. in the confusion, Drake rolls under the bottom rope to get a breather.

Entrant #10: Mahabali Shera

Shera and Kong square off. Shera runs to hit the rope but Kong follows. Shera pulls the top rope done and Kong goes flying over the top rope. Shera clotheslines Drake over the top rope but Drak holds on.

Entrant # 11 Chris Adonis

Adonis throws Shera over the top rope.

Mahabli Shera has been eliminated.

Drake and Adonis beat down Sutter in the corner. EC3 attacks Drake and Adonis… just to try to throw over Sutter himself.

Entrant #12: El Hijo del Fantasma

Fantasma hits a few strikes and a big dropkick as we cut to commercial. When we return from break the heels are beating down Sutter.


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