205 Live
In addition to tonight’s Cruiserweight Championship match between Akira Tozawa and Neville, WWE confirmed tonight’s episode of 205 Live will feature a Gentleman’s Duel between Brian Kendrick and Jack Gallagher. The segment was confirmed after Kendrick alluded to the duel on last week’s show; WWE.com posted the following preview:
In his efforts to berate Gentleman Jack Gallagher, The Brian Kendrick has unleashed an aggressive side of Gallagher, who has been full of unbridled rage. At first, it seemed this was all part of The Man with a Plan’s strategy. However, following their singles contest last month which resulted in Gallagher being disqualified for ignoring the official’s orders, Kendrick seemed to realize his folly.
In the two weeks that followed their battle, Kendrick has suffered a pair of brutal attacks at the hands of his nemesis, which has left the former WWE Cruiserweight Champion skittish and paranoid. After being attacked during his match with Mustafa Ali last week on WWE 205 Live, The Man with a Plan decided that the only way to deal with Gallagher was to challenge him to a Gentleman’s Duel.
However, Kendrick may not realize what he’s getting into. The last time Gallagher was involved in a Gentleman’s Duel was against Ariya Daivari late last year. Thinking he had the advantage, The Persian Lion found himself thrown from the ring by Gentleman Jack. Could Kendrick suffer the same fate, or will Gallagher accept an offer of parlay from The Man with a Plan?
The following video features the top ten moments from this week’s episode of WWE RAW, including Braun Strowman attacking Brock Lesnar, John Cena’s return, ‘beach ball mania’ and more:
John Cena
The following video features John Cena dropping some bars in Mandarin while addressing WWE’s Chinese fans: