Raw Tag Team Title Match: Cesaro and Sheamus (c) vs Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose
Ambrose and Cesaro lock up. Ceasro drives Ambrose into the corner. Sheamus tags in and locks up with Ambrose. Ambrose slams Sheamus. Rollins tags himself in and drives a knee into Sheamus’ head. Elbow by Ambrose. Cesaro tags in and is complete shotted into the turnbuckle by Rollins. Double back elbows by Ambrose and Rollins. Dropkick by Ambrose. Rollins follows that with a dropkick of his own. Ambrose and Rollins send Sheamus over the top rope. Sheamus brogue kicks Ambrose outside the ring. Rollins tries a dive but Sheamus and Cesaro catch Rollins in the air. Cesaro and Sheamus launch Rollins in the air. Rollins crashes to the mat outside. Sheamus sends Rollins back into the ring. Cesaro and Sheamus take turns beating down Rollins in their corner. Rollins surprises Cesaro with a blockbuster off the top. Sheamus cuts Rollins off from tagging in Ambrose. Bodyslam by Sheamus.
Cesaro runs off the apron and jumps into the crowd. There was a beach ball being bounced around in the crowd. Cesaro grabs the ball and rips it up. In the ring, Rollins catches Sheamus with his pop up head kick. Rollins dumps Cesaro to the outside. Cesaro clutches at his knee. Ambrose dives off the top onto everyone. Rollins finally tags in Ambrose. Ambrose clotheslines Cesaro. Ambrose dives to the outside onto Sheamus. Sheamus hits the ring but Rollins springboard clotheslines him. Ambrose and Rollins send Cesaro and Sheamus out of the ring. Ambrose and Rollins hit tandem dives. Ambrose and Rollins hit a Hart attack sling blade. Ambrose dives off the top right into a European uppercut by Cesaro. Cesaro knocks Ambrose into the ropes. Ambrose hits the lunatic lariat. Sheamus goes up top but Ambrose cuts him off. Rollins kicks Sheamus in the back. Ambrose superplexes Sheamus off the top.
Rollins hits a top rope splash for a near fall. Rollins and Ambrose beat the crap out of Sheamus in the corner. Rollins and Ambrose try to double powerbomb Sheamus but Cesaro breaks it up. Cesaro tags in and splashes Ambrose. Ambrose rolls through into a pin. Cesaro kicks out. Ambrose tries dirty deeds. Cesaro counters into the swing. Cesaro transitions into the sharpshooter. On the outside, Sheamus hits a rolling senton on Rollins. Ambrose almost gets to the ropes. Cesaro pulls Ambrose back and locks in the cross face. Ambrose breaks the hold. Sheamus and Cesaro hit a power bomb clothesline combo. Cesaro and Sheamus set up their finish. Rolling springboards up to the top rope and hurricanranas Cesaro off the top. Cesaro goes flying into Sheamus. Rollins superkicks EVERYONE! Rollins hits the ripcord V-Trigger knee on Sheamus. Ambrose hits Dirty Deeds for the win!
Winners and NEW Raw Tag Team Champions, Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins!